I know evolution is governed by chance and it is random but does it make sense to “ruin” sleep if there’s light? I mean normally, outside, you never have pure darkness, there are the moon and stars even at night. In certain zones of the Earth we also have long periods of no sunshine and long periods of only sunshine.

I don’t know if my question is clear enough but I hope so.

Bonus question: are animals subject to the same contribution of light or lack of it to the quality of sleep?

  • Lumisal
    10 months ago

    Does this mean humans in far north climates have different methods of determinating sleep times? Because I’m originally from close to the equator and I’m the summer I’ll be awake until near midnight when at least we get some dusk, but the nightless days really screw me up

    • Contramuffin
      10 months ago

      Ah, so this goes more into the nuance of what exactly determines the time of the circadian clock. It is very well documented that animals in the arctic circle still have circadian clocks even if it’s perpetual light or dark. I left out for simplicity that the level of light matters - that is to say, if there’s a time where it’s slightly dimmer and a time that’s slightly brighter, that is enough to adjust the circadian clock to the correct time. The adjustment process will be slower and weaker than usual, but it does happen.

      Also, I hinted that animals do take in multiple measurements to determine the correct time, and that plays a role in this case. In general, light tends to be the measurement that animals will default to, but where light variation doesn’t exist, animals can and do utilize other measurements to determine the time. Eating (among other things) turns out to be a relatively strong signal, so circadian rhythms end up being somewhat self-reinforcing. After all, I would expect that you only eat when you’re awake.

      But in general, circadian rhythms and the ways that animals adjust their rhythms to the correct time is a huge rabbithole

    • Dasus
      10 months ago

      I’ve severe sleep problems.

      I live on a quite a northern latitude. Finland, but the very southern end of it. (The Arctic circle only starts about at the most northern 1/3 of Finland)

      I’ll upload two pictures, taken from the same spot at different times.

      Which one is later, which is earlier? One is taken at 00.30 and one at 2.30. No peeking at the exif data before guessing.

      Sunset or sunrise?

      Couldn’t tell you, as we don’t really have those in the way you do.

      • Lumisal
        10 months ago

        I was wondering why it was so dark.

        I used to live in. Jyväskylä. But the pictures and context you gave seem to be Uusimaa region.

        I’m guessing the second one is dusk, assuming your camera didn’t flip the image. Sun goes in a circle here.

        The rolling blackout curtain from Ikea is what helps me a lot (I think the “fyture” one?)

        • Dasus
          10 months ago

          Second one is pretty exactly dusk, yeah. Or 8 minutes after, technically.

          The first one is dawn. Two hours apart and apparently in the same place, more or less.

          And Uusimaa would fit, yeah, but I’m in Varsinais-Suomi. Same thing latitude wise though, but dawn and dusk are two minutes earlier in Helsinki than in Turku.