The study made some strong remarks about the kind of people who would modify their car’s exhaust. If psychopathy and sadism aren’t bad enough, apparently loud truck owners would do even worse.

  • A professor in Ontario, Canada, has released results of a study of people’s attitudes toward loud vehicles.
  • Having asked undergraduate business students whether they think such vehicles are “cool,” the result, not totally surprisingly, was that many of them do.
  • Respondents also scored high on the “psychopathy and sadism” scale, but the study was only for cars. Truck and motorcycle owners, the study suggests, might score even worse.

A new study by Western University in Ontario says that if you’ve got a car with a modified exhaust system, odds are you’re a guy and probably also psychotic and sadistic. Slapping a Cherry Bomb glasspack on your Monte Carlo doesn’t (necessarily) mean you’re a Ted Bundy–level psycho, but the data someone points to a personality that enjoys inflicting unpleasantness on others. The study—catchily titled, “A desire for a loud car with a modified muffler is predicted by being a man and higher scores on psychopathy and sadism”—was commissioned by professor Julie Aitken Schermer, who heard many a loud car in London, Ontario, and wondered what kind of person would want their car exhaust to be louder than normal. She probably could have saved a lot of time by simply looking up Cadillac Escalade-V registrations. …

  • @Mango
    -599 months ago

    Probably because it’s pleasant and not discomfortable. You all being annoyed by something that pleases me doesn’t mean I’m any particular label. Quit trying to control others by categorizing them and dictating how they’re to be treated based on your labels.

    • @jpreston2005
      9 months ago


      Yep, you sound like someone with a modified exhaust all right. When I went to the auto shop to get my muffler replaced, as it had rusted a hole in it, auto shop owner asks what kind of muffler I want on it, with hesitancy. When I said I wanted a stock OEM, he smiled broadly, and while I waited for them to finish up we made fun of people who wanted attention so badly they acted like assholes for it.

      • @Mango
        -279 months ago

        Removed by mod

        • @alyth
          169 months ago

          How do you go through life without grasping the very simple concept that your freedom ends where another person’s freedom begins. No it shouldn’t be tolerated that someone shits up the place with sounds they enjoy to the discomfort of everyone else.

          • @Mango
            -179 months ago

            Removed by mod

            • @alyth
              9 months ago

              I think there’s a misunderstanding. Sure it’s fine to like engine sounds, and it’s ok to go loud in an acceptable setting (motor show, race). What almost everybody in this thread is taking issue with are drivers who modify their mufflers and drive around on public roads.

              • @Mango
                -149 months ago

                Removed by mod

    • @TrickDacy
      219 months ago

      Lol you’re pretending you don’t know that others are made uncomfortable by these sounds while also admitting you know. Whoops.

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        39 months ago

        this asshole is all over Lemmy waving his micropenis as loud as he can. If karma was a thing on Lemmy like Reddit, he’d be shadowbanned a long time ago.

      • @Mango
        -269 months ago

        Wrong. My point is that just because it annoys you doesn’t meant it’s done for that specific purpose. There are other people in the world who like things you might not.

        • Evkob (they/them)
          169 months ago

          You do know being exposed to constant loud noises has a measurable impact on mental health?

          No one’s saying “motor noises are icky!” (they are, but that’s besides the point.)

          We’re saying that imposing such a loud noise on everyone around you is an asshole move. I’m sure most of us would be saying the same about people on bicycles blasting their music through a shitty speaker. Revving your motor in a residential area is the vehicular equivalent of going to the library and yelling at the top of your lungs.

        • @okamiueru
          169 months ago

          Your argument seems to be that it somehow matters why you are being a human shitstain. To the rest of the world, there is no difference whether you like being a shitstain for some internal motivation, or whether it is explicitly for the discomfort of others.

          In either case, move out to the fucking woods, and you can have your primal pea brain be stimulated by things that go vroom vroom for all I fucking care.

          • @Mango
            -189 months ago

            I’m not moving away from what I like because you don’t like it ya fuckin idiot. I like the sounds. You don’t. Go find your peace. I like a sound and you like ranking people by what makes them happy. You’re the asshole.

            • @okamiueru
              9 months ago

              You don’t really seem to understand the argument. It’s OK tho. And not your fault. Some people simply don’t have the ability to understand, or care about something like the common good. As long as there are few enough village idiots like you, society sort of works. It sucks a little bit more, because your little stupid preference is to the detriment to everyone around you. Describing that trait as a human shit-stain, seems pretty spot on to me.

              It would be the same as if you had a thing for smearing shit on every lamp-post. We sort of tolerate the village idiot. It’d be nice if he had the capacity to perhaps… not go around and do that stuff, because, how important is it reaaally to go around smearing shit on things? I suppose we’ll never know. It seems pretty important to him.

              Also, “go find your peace”, is such a fantastic dumb thing to say, I almost want to applaud you. What does that even mean? It is peaceful, except when little Dumb Dumb returns home from their usually like-minded friends at 2AM and still thinks its a good idea to make vroom vroom noises. It’s not a big surprise tho. They weren’t raised properly, or don’t have the social intelligence to understand why it’d be annoying at 2PM, so why would it be any different at 2AM?

              I’d happily go find my peace. It… and this might blow your little mind… the level of “peace”, in society, is at the behest of the weakest little shitstains’ comfort level. You, and those like you, are the low bar.

              Some time ago, I’d attribute it as being selfish. You don’t mind everyone else being annoyed. You simply consider yourself more important. People who work night shifts and get woken up during the day, or just people getting woken up during the night. Anyone with kids, etc. It’s just not considered… Now, I’m more convinced this isn’t so much being selfish… as just … either just having a shit parent(s) who didn’t teach you basic decency, so you simply don’t know. Which, isn’t your fault. The other explanation is that you might just be a little bit sociopathic, so you don’t have the capacity to understand it. Which… is also not your fault. The third explanation is that the lightbulb never shone bright enough to notice anyone around you… you like the vrom vrom, and everything else is just a bit too complicated, and anyone who tries to take away your vroom vrom is stoopid. Also, not your fault.

              If it smells like a shit stain, looks like a shit stain, and talks like one… I guess it doesn’t matter which explanation fits you. It doesn’t even matter if you understand why. You simply are. Whether you want to do something about it, meh, odds are you won’t. But if you think you are anything other than a piece of shit that annoys everyone around you… lol. You don’t really understand much of anything, and I’m a bit sorry for anyone decent in your life.

              Cheers. Be better. Shouldn’t be hard. The bar is fucking low.

              • Jerkface (any/all)
                19 months ago

                Of course he doesn’t understand. He has decades of experience intentionally not understanding things.

        • @TrickDacy
          119 months ago

          To prove me wrong, you avoid addressing the entire actual topic: that these sounds are inconsiderate and bothersome to nearly everyone else.

          Great argument

          • @Mango
            -119 months ago

            Removed by mod

    • @[email protected]
      179 months ago

      They say psychopathy and narcissism go hand in hand.

      Assuming you’re being genuine, then you’ve just told us that you lack empathy, and your insistence that the above scientific study is merely others being judgmental and ‘labeling’ tells us where you stand intellectually.
      I do hope you’re merely a C- level troll. If not, then good luck in life.

      • @Mango
        -229 months ago

        Your insistence that I can’t like what you don’t like is indicative of extreme mental fuckshit. You wanna just stop doing all that stuff that I don’t like because I don’t like it, or is it specifically you who decides things for the world of the living? If you think so, you’re gonna need to try using some force.

        • @harmsy
          89 months ago

          The right to swing your arm ends where it would hit my face. You like the vroom vroom noises? Nobody cares. You make the vroom vroom noises in the middle of a neighborhood with a bunch of bystanders around who were minding their own business? Everyone cares. I experience physical pain from loud noises. They don’t just annoy me. They HURT. I’m that sensitive to noise. Keep your roaring shitbucket out in the boonies where the sound won’t knock me over.

          • @Mango
            -59 months ago

            Removed by mod

        • capital
          9 months ago

          You got an issue if I “like” throwing trash in your yard?

          What’s wrong? Just let me live my life man.

          Speaking of force - my dipshit neighbor who just moved in loves his loud vehicle. I guess living close to a busy street and an international airport doesn’t provide enough noise for him.

          Been thinking his gas tank is a bit low on sugar. Should I help him out?

        • @[email protected]
          69 months ago

          Please show me where I told you that you cannot like what you purport to like.

          Being told that liking something that irritates or harms others without regard for others is indicative of being an antisocial narcissist is not the same as being told you cannot like that thing.

          What could possibly cause you to equivocate negative perceptions as being told you can’t prefer something?

    • @[email protected]
      139 months ago

      There’s a Southpark episode that redefines a certain word to describe people like you.

      Check out S13E12 - The F Word to see how the world sees you.

      • @Mango
        -249 months ago

        Keep your labels to yourself. Didn’t your mother teach you not to call names?

        • @[email protected]
          169 months ago

          Didn’t your mother teach you that it’s rude to be excessively loud and bother everyone you’re around?

          • @Mango
            -209 months ago

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            • @[email protected]
              169 months ago

              Ah, so your mother was an inconsiderate asshole too. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

              • @Mango
                -149 months ago

                While she totally is an inconsiderate asshole, that’s besides the point.

            • EleventhHour
              109 months ago

              Truck and motorcycle owners, the study suggests, might score even worse.

              • @Mango
                -89 months ago

                The study is some stuff some people are saying to suit themselves.

                • EleventhHour
                  79 months ago

                  While other people deny facts because they reflect poorly on themselves and those they know…

                  • @Mango
                    -119 months ago

                    Removed by mod

    • @unreasonabro
      9 months ago

      ooh, sounds like somebody doesn’t know fuck all about anything, and is a reactionary! good luck being your miserable self, you’re gonna hate it

      there are better ways. find them

    • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
      29 months ago

      fuck me, you again. you’re absolutely one of the dumbest pieces of shit on here. Selfish cunt who should have his tubes tied and left in a leper colony somewhere. jfc you’re such a stupid piece of shit. 🤦‍♂️