• @damnthefilibuster
      244 months ago

      You forgot the /s sarcasm tag my friend. That’s why you’re getting the downvotes.

      • Denvil
        4 months ago

        Looking at his comment history, he’s either a troll or a fool, he supposedly supports Alberta moving away from the “climate hoax”

        • Lemminary
          4 months ago

          Yeah, he’s a run-of-the-mill conservative. He’s one of the few who comment so much with such awful opinions that I’ve memorized his name.

    • Lemminary
      214 months ago

      Oh, it’s you. Opinion disregarded.

    • @glimse
      204 months ago

      There’s a lot of biblical-themed Trump pictures in your post history. Didn’t that dude cheat on his third wife with a porn star? What would Jesus say about that?

      • @bcgm3
        54 months ago

        The last few years have really reinforced my feeling that a lot of so-called Christians don’t actually read the Bible, but just assume it backs up all of their other backwards beliefs.

        • @[email protected]
          -34 months ago

          You have that feeling because you haven’t actually read the Bible. The historical books of the Old Testament, Joshua through Nehemiah, are full of stories of God using wicked and evil men to accomplish good things. For example, King Jehu, who reigned in the 9th century BCE, is an example of God using a wicked man for a good end. Anointed by a prophet sent by Elisha, Jehu was tasked with eradicating the idolatrous house of Ahab. He killed King Joram, Queen Jezebel, and all of Ahab’s descendants, fulfilling Elijah’s prophecy and eliminating Baal worship in Israel by deceiving and slaughtering Baal’s prophets. Despite his zeal, Jehu continued in idolatry by maintaining the worship of golden calves, illustrating how God used his ruthless actions to achieve reform despite Jehu’s own moral failings.

          • Ixoid
            24 months ago

            Genocide is a good deed now? How curious.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      How… how is he not? Did he not use campaign money to pay hush money to a porn star? Is that not fraud? Who is Rachel Maddow? Do you understand basic fact-checking skills?

          • @[email protected]
            44 months ago

            I think some people just like to flirt with how far they can push it without having their comments removed. They see it as a game with entertainment value.

            Major respect to our moderators nevertheless.

    • @[email protected]
      74 months ago

      The only virtue your false savior upholds is white supremacy.

      To follow him is to abandon your faith for weak, petulant, anemic hatred.

      You are burning the very essence of your soul away and you won’t realize it until your last days left alone in a careless old folks home because you yourself instilled your children with the value to let a “burden” like you rot.

      • @[email protected]
        -64 months ago

        This is ironic considering how many liberals will spend their last days left alone in a state-run nursing home because they didn’t have children. Assuming the government hasn’t fully embraced euthanizing senior citizens by then.

        • @[email protected]
          54 months ago

          Wow so just coming right out and admitting you see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services, once again, you’ll be in a home and you’ll deserve it.

          • @[email protected]
            -54 months ago

            Let me get this straight. When you suggest that conservatives will be abandoned by their families into nursing homes, you are not admitting you see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services, but when I point out liberals will end up in the exact same position because they failed to have children, I am somehow admitting I see hypothetical kids as nothing but free elder care services? That’s some impressive mental gymnastics you’ve done there.

            All I am saying is that while conservatives might be abandoned by the family they have (though this is mostly just leftist cope), liberals will definitely not be cared for by family they don’t have.