• @givesomefucks
    9 months ago


    So you give an example of when the Dems ran a candidate further to the right than their voters want…

    Which resulted in the Republican winning…

    And you blame voters?

    And now, when the Dem party is running a candidate further than the right than Dem voters want…

    You’re already blaming the voters?

    You still haven’t realized the solution is running candidates that appeal to voters?

    Did you forget Bill Clinton and Barack Obama happened in the middle?

    You charismatic candidates who ran progressive campaigns that led to decisive wins?

    You vote for Biden and you can vote for someone else in 2028

    Lol, that’s what they said about 2016, and 2020…

    It’s what you’re saying about 2024…

    But next year, next year will definitely be different?

    • @[email protected]
      179 months ago

      Lol, that’s what they said about 2016, and 2020…

      So, you forgot about the January 6 coup attempt?

      • @[email protected]
        -79 months ago

        You two seem to be somewhat talking at cross purposes.

        As far as I can see, what they’re saying is that the Dem candidate needs to apeal to Dem voters and those who could be persuaded to vote Dem, to ensure their vote. If Biden turns enough of them off and they don’t vote he risks losing. On the other hand dyed in the wool Republican voters probably can’t be turned, so there’s no point trying to apeal to them.

        You seem to be saying that not voting for Biden, despite him being unpopular, risk letting Trump in. That is also true, and it is vital that Trump is stopped, they’re just pointing out that that is easier if Biden listens to his base, rather than population wide surveys.

        • @[email protected]
          109 months ago


          Read this guys words and you’ll see he’s just throwing words around trying to stir things up.

          I said that the Left doesn’t have an overwhelming majority, and he disagrees. A few lines later he says that the GOP has a lock on 50% of the overall vote.

          • @[email protected]
            69 months ago

            I’m surprised he hasn’t blocked you yet. Givessomefucks likes to do that when people confront him.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            I think you’re significantly misunderstanding whst they’ve said, or at least I get something entirely different from it.

            The two of you seem to actually agree on almost everything, including that the Dems don’t have an overwhelming majority (I can’t see where they’ve said otherwise anyway). You seem to be saying that people should vote Dem regardless of what they’re doing, which they, and I agree with. They’re trying to point out that a) the Dems probably can’t win over solid Rep voters, and that trying to by making policies that would appeal to them risks alienating the Dem base, and more importantly swing voters and b) making policies that appeal to the Dem base and potential swing votes, despite the fact they might further alienate Rep voters is likely to result in a larger voter turnout for them.

            A lot of the things Biden is currently doing seem to be aimed at trying to get Republican voters on-side, but are quite unpopular with the Dem base. Precisely because they don’t have a large majority losing any voters could be catastrophic.

            The two parties, and their presidential candidates, are fairly evenly balanced in votes at the moment, both with a solidly entrenched core, a periphery of less commited voters, and the swing voters inbetween the sides. The candidate that wins is likely to be the one who loses fewest of their periphery voters and alienates the fewest swing voters. Making policie to try to ‘poach’ voters from the other party’s core is a lost cause, but might cause some of your potential voters to stay home even if they don’t vote Rep.

            • @[email protected]
              49 months ago

              , but might cause some of your potential voters to stay home even if they don’t vote Rep.

              And it makes a lot more sense to get those people off their butts and vote then it does to change 75 years of US policy quickly.

              We still have an embargo with Cuba, and the Cold War ended decades ago.

              If people think they are too moral to vote for biden, tell them to look up the former slaves and women who were working for candidates back when they weren’t allowed to vote. None of the people they backed could promise to change things, but they knew slight progress was better than none at all.

              • @[email protected]
                19 months ago

                Oh I absolutely agree that making sure people actually vote is important, and it’s something a parties supporters can do. You can bet that Republican voters will be pushing each other, and Dems need to be just as dedicated. The thing is, that’s a whole lot easier when your candidate is saying and doing things you agree with, and not doing stuff you abhor. That’s the nit the party and candidate have control over and should be tuning. It wouldn’t be easy to make big changes, but even more moderate changes would be helpful. Biden seems to finally be changing his tune on Isreal a bit at the moment, the question is whether he’s irreconcilably alienated too many voters already, or if he can win them back.

                Expecting people to vote for Biden despite disliking his policies because the alternative is worse is logical, but might, I fear, be excessivly idealistic. The more Biden and the Dems listen to their base the easier this will be.

                • @[email protected]
                  19 months ago

                  New York Mayor Ed Koch had a great line.

                  “If you agree with me 51%, vote for me. If you agree with me 100%, see a psychiatrist.”

        • @givesomefucks
          -139 months ago

          The issue is some people really support the horrible shit Biden is doing, and if the Dem candidate won’t do it, then they’ll vote Republican.

          It happened when Obama managed to beat Hillary in 08. Moderates had a movement to vote Republican over Obama, and they did.

          They were just statistically insignificant and Obama had a landslide win that flipped multiple red states and got us the House and Senate.

          It’s really really hard to get Dem voters to compromise their morals though, moderate Dems need someone horrible they can stand next to and say “we have to stop them!”.

          The issue is it didn’t work in 2016, barely worked in 2020, and by all indications won’t work in 2024.

          We know what works. But the DNCs corporate donors would prefer a Republican to progressives. So they donate huge amounts during a primary and by the time it’s the general there’s no way for them to lose.

      • @givesomefucks
        -149 months ago


        trump will do it again in fact. Every election he doesn’t win is going to see a 1/6 like event, or at least that’s what we need to be ready for.

        Which is why beating him is so important, and why Biden needs to stop caring about what people who will never vote D want, and start caring about the people who will never vote R want.

        Because the people who go back and forth between the parties are statistically insignificant.

        But you keep jumping around a lot, Everytime I explain one point, you pivot to a new one about why Biden shouldn’t be held to any standards and trump has to be stopped.

        I agree trump has to be stopped.

        But even from your historical example, the way we do that isn’t running a candidate more conservative than what voters want.

        The way we do that so running candidates like Obama and Bill. Not Humphries, Biden, or Hillary.

        2020 was the lucky exception, not a new rule.

    • @AbidanYre
      139 months ago

      Lol, that’s what they said about 2016, and 2020…

      It’s what you’re saying about 2024…

      But next year, next year will definitely be different?

      Given that Biden will be ineligible to run again? Yeah.

      Trump has repeatedly tried to come up with reasons and justifications to not adhere to the two term limit described in the Constitution.

    • @btaf45
      9 months ago

      And now, when the Dem party is running a candidate further than the right than Dem voters want…

      The party is running exactly the candidate that the majority of voters want. The “party” picks the candidate only in the sense that the party is the primary voters. To pretend this is not how it works is Trumpian level bullshit.