Give us the cheat codes to your industry/place of work!

  • @cr0n1c
    3318 days ago

    You can freeze chips/crisps indefinitely. I used to work for Frito Lay. Just thaw them when you get close to snack time. Of course I never do this because I just eat the chips I have at home.

      • @cr0n1c
        717 days ago

        I only interned there, but the handful of times I thawed the chips, there were no issues.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        517 days ago

        I mean, if they’re bagged in a low humidity environment and the bag stays sealed, there should be very little chance of them getting soggy. Because in order for them to get soggy, the bag would need humidity.

    • @[email protected]
      317 days ago

      My instant thought was that that’s amazing, my next thought was along the lines of how badly that would murder freezer space unless you open the bag. Can I open the bag?

      • @cr0n1c
        117 days ago

        Never tried, but I think it would work. Oxygen is the enemy, but the reason is because oxidation leads to other byproducts that lead to a stale flavor. I believe the cold temperature slows all that down.