Mama Janeway puts in her two cents:

We’ll just assume this takes place before things happen with B’Elanna in season 7.

  • Flying SquidM
    614 days ago


    Sisko’s dad is kind of a dick to his grandson though.

    • @spittingimage
      312 days ago

      He also lied to Sisko about who his biological mother was.

    • IninewCrow
      314 days ago

      Ummm … my comment ended up in the wrong thread. Sorry about that. This was supposed to go to the main post not a response to you.

      This is what happens when you post without thinking.

      In any case, it gives me the opportunity to wish you and your family congratulations!

      You’ve assimilated another being into your little collective. I am sure that the new beings biological and technological distinctiveness will benefit you all greatly.

      • Flying SquidM
        414 days ago

        Now your comment went to the wrong person, because I was congratulating TPM, who had the kid.

        I am a father, but my wife went through that trauma 14 years ago.

        • IninewCrow
          414 days ago

          OK … my commenting for today isn’t working out the way I’d like it to. I must be drunk, or high, or in an alternate universe.

          Whatever it is, my best to you and I’ll see if O’Brien can just dump me into a transport buffer for a few decades.