• VeganPizza69 ⓋM
      29 months ago

      Or hear me out you can be aware that we are animals continuing the natural process of calorie and resource reopropration.

      You don’t have to. You choose to for a bunch of feelings and “identities” which have nothing to do with “caloric appropriation”.

        • VeganPizza69 ⓋM
          39 months ago

          So again you don’t have any arguments to sway me

          Why would I try to sway a selfish sociopath with arguments?

          Your claims to being open for discussion go out the window the moment you put your taste experience before the lives of “animals”.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          I know that it is the standard question to people that have no problems with killing thousands of sentient animals for their own enjoyment, but what do you think about eating dogs or cats? Do you think that cock-/bull-/dogfighting is bad? Is it okay to kill a mentally disabled person for fun?