• @debil
    143 months ago

    I can’t personally do anything to stop this.

    You can always upvote or share a post like this to spread awaraness and hence maybe make people buy less eggs, or at least make them pause to think before they buy their next eggs.

    • @I_Has_A_Hat
      73 months ago

      What an unhelpful and antagonistic answer! You must be an utter chore to be around.

    • @pyre
      43 months ago

      “i don’t want to see shit like this”

      “you can upvote it so more people see shit like this as well”

      thanks, very cool

      • @debil
        -13 months ago

        Yes, so that maybe some day in the future this horrible shit is no more. Until then, get used to bumping into a thought provoking meme every now. The mild discomfort pales in comparison to the practice itself.