No but like seriously, why are vegan and vegetarian options always MORE expensive at restaurants. Whenever I cook my self, the meat is BY FAR the most expensive part of any meal. Meanwhile stuff like soy strips are DIRT CHEAP, not to mention they last basically forever!

The canteen I go to for lunch actually sells the meatless meals for 2/3 of the price, always a taunting reminder. Like hell yea, that’s how ya convert me!

  • @LANIK2000OP
    9 months ago

    Soya strips? Soya anything really. Per gram there is WAY more protein in soya strips than any meat. My 80g pack says it has 49g protein. Shit is more than half just straight up protein. Find me any meat with such density, the best I can find is 32g/100g. And for calories you’d be hard pressed to beat nuts, not even sugar beats em.

      • @LANIK2000OP
        9 months ago

        I’m not really a brands guy, I just try to grab whatever is cheapest at any store I’m at (within reason, bought shampoo once that was basically just water, never again). Also I live in Czechia, I’m assuming we might not have the same stores and brands available. Tho anyways, soy strips/chunks are a pretty basic ingredient, so I’d assume just about any should be fine, and for nuts, over here we quite often have nut mixes, sometimes even salted or otherwise spiced, tasty stuff for snacking :) For cooking purposes, again, very basic ingredient, just about any will do. There are many Asian and even western recipes that make wonders out of peanuts for example, not to mention countless desserts, but that’s probably not what we’re going for xD

      • @[email protected]M
        19 months ago

        Also tempeh is pretty good! Also soy, but it has a nice flavor, and is great on sandwiches!