No but like seriously, why are vegan and vegetarian options always MORE expensive at restaurants. Whenever I cook my self, the meat is BY FAR the most expensive part of any meal. Meanwhile stuff like soy strips are DIRT CHEAP, not to mention they last basically forever!

The canteen I go to for lunch actually sells the meatless meals for 2/3 of the price, always a taunting reminder. Like hell yea, that’s how ya convert me!

  • @dumblederp
    19 months ago

    Convenience is expensive. I prep vegetarian meals that mostly cost under $2/meal. Some under $1/meal. Eg, Rice N Dahl, Curried rice w/tempeh, taco beans on potato. Were I to go out to eat I’d expect the same food, I’d expect a bit better quality cooking but I’d also expect $25/meal price.