I have long attested that whatever sci fi can think up, humans will eventually create.

In b4 451 isnt SciFi

  • @Iheartcheese
    9 months ago

    I mean… Humanity is pretty screwed as it is so why don’t we just turn into the skid and see how bad we can make things

    • @TotallynotJessica
      69 months ago

      Because “humanity” isn’t really screwed, just most members of humanity. I hate this assumption that climate catastrophe or nuclear war will be a certain end. No it won’t. Humans will survive, maybe even a large percentage of them. LIFE GOES ON.

      Maybe you want death because trying to improve things is “too hard,” but I want to live. I hold onto hope because life is more fulfilling that way. You’re just justifying apathy by assuming we’re all going to die when it’s actually unlikely to happen.

      • @Iheartcheese
        9 months ago

        Save your Oscar bait speech for another time dude I was clearly joking.