• @distantsounds
    188 months ago

    I wish he’d do the right thing and drop out. It’s 2 months until the convention and there is a long list of people who are not trump. The bar is low and any D will do at this point

    • @dragontamer
      8 months ago

      Biden shouldn’t drop out until a solid plan moving forward is established.

      Do we even know if a Democrat can unify the party if he drops out? Or will the replacement be worse?

      As I’ve pointed out in other topics: people need to start listing names, and I need to start seeing those names consolidate into one obvious choice. IMO, Newcom, Kamala and Buttigege are out as non-starters.

      Kamalas best chance is for Biden to hold the election and then promise to resign on January 2025 for example. Which I’m not particularly against but y’all ignore the racism of Pennsylvania and Arizona voters at your own peril. Biden serves as a useful shield for Kamala in this instance.

      Buttigege is worse. An openly gay man in this age where Don’t Say Gay is entering mainstream is a political mistake. Newcom is all sorts of compromised on both left and right issues.

      • @givesomefucks
        278 months ago


        Sounds like the party should have let an open and fair primary happen…

        Could have seen what Biden on a debate stage was like 6 months ago…

        Voters could have had all sorts of time to evaluate possible paths forward…

        • @dragontamer
          -98 months ago

          Sounds like the party should have let an open and fair primary happen…

          Its yall’s problem. I’m a Republican. I barely know the Democratic ticket.

          But who did best in the Primaries anyway? Do you think they can seriously unify the party and make a strong anti-Trump candidate?

          • @givesomefucks
            168 months ago

            Its yall’s problem. I’m a Republican. I barely know the Democratic ticket


            You don’t know anything about what people are talking about here, by your own admission…

            You’re just a Republican here to tell us no matter what Biden is the only option besides trump?

            • @Ensign_Crab
              68 months ago

              You’re just a Republican here to tell us no matter what Biden is the only option besides trump?

              This is lemmy, yes.

              • @givesomefucks
                38 months ago

                I feel like the vast amount of “Biden supporters” online these days are just flat out republicans trying to make sure Biden is their worst case scenario…

                It’s the only way any of this makes sense.

                None of them can give any real reasons why Biden is the best candidate, they just keep repeating “it’s too late”.

            • @dragontamer
              8 months ago

              I listed two options I think would work for me:

              1. Biden

              2. Kamala (using Biden as a shield)

              Of course, #1 and #2 are basically identical. So the easiest thing for the Democrats to do is just lean into #2.

              In any case, I think this discussion is still useful to have. Whoever you pick needs to win Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia like Biden did vs Trump. Do you know of any candidate who can perform similarly to Biden in these states?

              You’re just a Republican here to tell us no matter what Biden is the only option besides trump?

              I’m a Republican here wondering if yall actually have a plan, or if this is another one of those “Occupy Wall Street” situations where a bunch of Republicans get voted in a few months after yall’s temper tantrum. (Occupy Wall Street was 2011. And we all know how 2012, 2014, and 2016 went immediately afterwards).

              For better or worse, you know you need me and my perspective on this matter. Lest you lose Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and let Trump take the victory.

              If yall Occupy Wall Street / kill your own political chances again this year because you got freaked out that Biden was acting as old as any 80+ year old would… okay, you deserve the loss that’s coming to you. But before you make an irreversible mistake, lets talk through this. I want Trump to lose as much as you do.

              Note: I’m not necessarily against you changing candidates this late in the game. But I want to know what your overall plans are, and why you actually think that improves your political chances.

              • @givesomefucks
                88 months ago

                I listed two options I think would work for me

                You also told me you’re a Republican and know nothing of the Democratic party or what its voters want…

                So let me give you some advice, for Republican candidates I want:

                1. Boots Riley

                2. Optimus Prime.

                For better or worse, you know you need me and my perspective on this matter. Lest you lose Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona and let Trump take the victory.

                No we don’t.

                Because Obama 08 didn’t need help from “moderate Dems” and he sure didn’t need help from Republicans.

                The entire problem with the modern DNC is they ignore their base and chase Republicans.

                Who will always say the DNC isn’t conservative enough.

                It creates these feedback loop where the party gets more and more conservative leaving behind more and more of its own voters.

                We can just leave you all behind, and give voters a candidate they like. A progressive candidate.

                • @dragontamer
                  8 months ago

                  We can just leave you all behind, and give voters a candidate they like. A progressive candidate.

                  Okay. Name the candidate.

                  Except we both know you don’t have a name, and that’s why you’re going through this exercise of avoiding uncomfortable truths.

                  Go get that name, start pushing that name consistently, start saying [Insert Specific Name Here] is a better choice than Biden and MAYBE you have a chance.

                  But for now, you’re just giving Republicans in general a field day and a ton of joy by attacking Biden.

                  • @givesomefucks
                    58 months ago

                    I’ve never seen a better ambassador of the Republican party.

                    You have truly personified the meme of a pigeon walking up to a chessboard.

      • @distantsounds
        108 months ago

        Bernie is older, but sharp as ever. I know it’ll never happen though. The DNC would rather give it to trump, again

        • @dragontamer
          8 months ago

          No kidding, if y’all put Bernie in as Democrat pick I’m voting fucking Trump.

          The other ones (Kamala, Buttigege and Newcom) I might be fine with. But 100% Bernie is far left bullshit I for one am not putting up with. And no, we ain’t gonna go with an even older candidate who is far more extreme.

          EDIT: I’m a Republican. You have me on some candidates. Newcom is… a stretch but I can imagine myself voting for him vs Trump, but not much else. Kamala and Buttigege I can be fine with but I don’t think they can win Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan.

          Bernie? He’s too far left and very extreme in my eyes. Bernie (and his cohort of Occupy Wall Street dumbasses) don’t even understand how the world works, how families react to some of these policies or whatever. It’d be an instant and immediate loss for the Democrats. Sorry to say. He’s so far left I personally need to vote against that. You’re going too far.

          • @distantsounds
            148 months ago

            Just curious, what far left bullshit?

            • @givesomefucks
              68 months ago

              The Dem party platform apparently…

              But PUMA didn’t stop Obama either.

              No matter how loud “moderates” get, they’re a very small voting block. They’re just overrepresented in party leadership

            • @dragontamer
              8 months ago

              He’s literally running as a socialist.

              Free housing, free health care, free everything. It sounds good until you look at Venezuela.

              When we point out… oh… I dunno… how Venezuela collapses because of government takeover as private entities or their other socialist policies (which directly have similarities to Bernie’s discussion points), yall just ignore us.

              We’re seriously having issues coming up with a budget where Social Security does fine over the next 20 years, and Bernie over here is reaching to the far, far, far extreme and going “Not only Free Social Security, but Free Housing and Health Care on top of it”. Okaaaaaaayyyyyyy. Lets talk about the taxes needed to get that funded.

              Hell, can we even start with the taxes we need to keep Social Security going?

              And you can see the problem right after that. Bernie is fully unrealistic. Its the benefit of being on the flank, Bernie can promise the world because he doesn’t actually have to worry about the details of his proposals.

              • @distantsounds
                248 months ago

                I wouldn’t pass on the free education, if I were you

                • @dragontamer
                  8 months ago

                  Lets put it this way.

                  Do you know how Elon Musk tricks his dumbass followers that they’re all going to Mars? And its so ridiculous that no one actually seriously talks about the overall plan?

                  That’s Bernie Sanders. No one seriously debates him because its so far out. Seeing a couple of followers get strung up in Bernie’s moonshots is whatever, its going to happen. But nothing will come from it, and Bernie knows that. (Much like how Elon knows all the bullshit he spews is nothing either).

                  I get that its a popular way to get a niche following. But when we’re talking about a real Presidential candidate, hopes and dreams aren’t quite good enough. You’ll need to talk about things that are ya know, at least close to political reality.

                  Or if Elon Musk is a bad example, consider how the Abortion debate played out. Back 10 years ago, it wasn’t really a real discussion point. Today, it is, and now its suddenly a problem for Republicans because the implementation details of Abortion bans are really fucking stupid.

                  Same thing with Bernie. By the time Bernie is in office, its too late to realize that it was all bullshittery and the numbers simply don’t line up.

                  • @[email protected]
                    138 months ago

                    On healthcare: removing the profit incentives of private health insurance drives down costs as well as frees up money to pay for universal coverage. It’s not free Healthcare and has never been referred to as such unless people are debating in bad faith. He wrote the Medicare for All bill and just because you aren’t aware of the details doesn’t mean Sanders didn’t have them.

                    On housing: again calling it free housing is a disingenuous bait. His housing policy had so many facets that even if only half his proposals were put into place, it would do wonders to improve the situation for millions of Americans. Federal funding for expanding Community Land Trusts (if you don’t know what CLTs are you should look it up), combat gentrification/exclusionary zoning/segregation/speculation, expand the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund a fund that he was responsible for and fought for 15 years to become the first new federal affordable housing program funded in several decades, tenant protections like New York’s right to counsel that was created in 2017, which saw their eviction rates drop five times faster than comparable areas. God damn man I could keep going but if I haven’t made my point why waste the effort.

                    All of this could easily be paid by taxing the wealthy and reducing military spending. Would that be a problem for you?

              • @Chickenstalker
                68 months ago

                > picks vuvuzela as example

                > conveniently overlooks hundreds of European and Asian “socialist” countries

                > also overlooks merely redirecting 10% of defence budget to “socialism” will cure more of your cuntry’s ills

                > also overlooks the MIC as the biggest “socialist” welfare queen program ever


          • @[email protected]
            68 months ago

            If we nominate Bernie it’s not to win you over. It would win over leftists who otherwise wouldn’t vote Democrat.

            No offense but I don’t actually believe that you are on the fence about whether or not you’ll vote for Trump.

            • @dragontamer
              18 months ago

              If we nominate Bernie it’s not to win you over. It would win over leftists who otherwise wouldn’t vote Democrat.

              Dude: Kamala is seen as too far left that she’s probably going to lose to Trump on a head-to-head matchup and you’re talking Bernie still.

                • @dragontamer
                  8 months ago

                  Ideally not.

                  Hopefully you can offer me a good enough candidate where I don’t feel like supporting the fascist. But if you go too far left, there’s a point where fascism doesn’t look as bad. No joke.

                  But the further left you go, the more points you lose out on me. I’m relatively religious (not the most compared to my family, but moreso than you guys I’m sure). I’m Republican, conservative. Etc. etc. There’s threats to me and my way of life that the far left seriously have, and nothing yall say here are changing my opinion on that (or removing said threats from me).

                  I would have preferred if the Republicans fielded Niki Haley, but apparently that was too hard for them too. So now I’m seeing who the Democrats want to field. Ideally someone I can vote for, because trust me, I don’t want to vote for Trump.

                  I promise you, there’s a ton of other people like me in the center who are thinking the same thing. The name-of-the-game is figuring out a candidate to keep enough of us voting Democrat this fall (not necessarily me, but hopefully enough to gain and counteract the loss of my vote).

                  I’m here to discuss my opinion with all of you openly, because I know that Lemmy leans so far left that yall are fucking nuts and need my opinion to tie you back down to where reality is. Believe it or not, I’m here to help, and that’s why we’re having this discussion right now at all.

                  This isn’t about just picking the most progressive candidate you can think of. Biden was the perfect choice for me and yall are now thinking of getting rid of him. Okay, so are you fine losing my vote? Or alternatively, do you think you can give me someone who is at least moderate enough (like Biden) to handle my concerns about the world? (IE: Ukraine and Taiwan in particular).

                  Alternatively, you can consider me to just be a nutcase and ignore me. But I don’t think that’s beneficial to you as a group either. Mostly because I know who the real nutcases are (ie: full on MAGA Trump supporters over there). I’m the one who have switched from Republican vote from 2008 / 2012 over to Democrat vote with the rise of Trump in 2016+, so I think I am actually an ideal case study for this discussion. That’s all.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 months ago

                    You’ve already given up the benefit of the doubt by admitting you’d vote fascist. I simply don’t believe the honesty of your promises.

      • @dhork
        98 months ago

        Kamala Harris is the sitting VP. She is in the conversation by default. If God exercises His ultimate recall vote on Biden tomorrow, then Harris inherits both the job and the ticket.

        • @dragontamer
          8 months ago


          So making Kamala the top of the ticket does nothing but energize the racists to vote against her.

          There is no point putting Kamala front and center. Just have Biden resign in January after serving as a political shield for Kamala.

          • @dhork
            108 months ago

            There’s no need to shield Harris, the racists are going to be triggered regardless, that’s what those snowflakes do.

            • @dragontamer
              8 months ago

              Except the racists did vote for Biden in 2020, despite Harris being the VP.

              Arizona ain’t exactly a happy-go-lucky civil rights state. Do you really have assurances that Arizona goes to Kamala if she’s on the top of the ticket?