• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I ruthlessly ask people about and talk about my own salary because of this. Usually they dont mind, but when they do it gives me a lot of insight, which sounds kinda creepy but i like knowing who i work with.

    If you cant even talk about your fairly easily predicted salary, then talking bigger politics is just not gonna be productive probably.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      People will find out your take home and if greater than theirs they become flippant, and when lower, denigrating.

      I prefer not to share mine, because YOU turn into an ass, not cause I am one

      • @[email protected]
        68 months ago

        Thats exactly why i do it. If it changes someones behaviour towards me, then i will ignore them or if not possible at least their opinions. Its a filter of sorts.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          Fair enough, to me it shouldn’t matter. I may make more than someone else in my position because I command vast experience and capabilities, but may earn less than someone else who is better still than I am.

          When I was a bit younger and more vindictive I’d like to try and talk to people about it. But most people don’t want to tell anyone how much they make foe the same reason.

          You have the right and should have the right to discuss your pay, but that doesn’t mean that anyone who doesn’t want to is a shill.

          • @Wilzax
            48 months ago

            And if the discrepancy is too much, you have a great example to point to at your next negotiation

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              Best to know your own market value and argue for that. Know how much you make and net for the company will give you an idea of your own value.

              If your plan to increase your rate of pay is to whine that someone else has more or is more valuable, your argument will fall on deaf ears. Deaf fairly.

              Go in and say “I’m worth this much, and it is because i make the company this much money and deserve this share of it” instead of “I’m worth this much because this other person is”

              Almost no one who has ever demanded a raise because their colleague makes more than them has ever gotten that raise.

              • @Wilzax
                8 months ago

                Don’t make their salary your argument for why you deserve a raise, make it the target to ground your expectations from the negotiation. And point out the discrepancy if they lowball you