Started as a shower thought (literally in the shower), but decided to make it more open-ended.

My answer to this would be “watch future seasons of anime that I am waiting on”.

I don’t see how that could cause a huge ripple through time.

    • EighthLayer
      96 months ago

      A full night’s sleep every night does sound good. I wonder what that’s like.

    • @Delphia
      16 months ago

      Adequate sleep and infinite gym time would make my life so much better.

      • @RBWells
        16 months ago

        I have always argued that virtuous activities should give you more time, not less. So working out, sex, sleep, all should rewind time. When you get done it really ought to be the same time you started, or earlier, no matter how long you take.

        At work we have a rule that whenever you come back from lunch, you left an hour before that. It doesn’t matter how long the lunch actually was. You could have a two hour lunch, that is a one hour clock out.

      • @ALilOff
        16 months ago

        Sounds like your looking for a hyperbolic time chamber

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      Yeah, instead of moving the alarm clock 15 minutes every time it rings, just jump back in time 15 minutes.