The list of banned books is here

Read em while you can

  • @Buffalox
    1294 months ago

    Free speech in USA is a joke, it’s both poorly protected and poorly regulated at the same time. Worst of both worlds!

    • The Quuuuuill
      394 months ago

      So. I have this… Stance. Humanity has at no point evolved past tribalism. We all live in tribes. The tribe with the most power waxes poetic about the importance of free speech, but the truth is, they only allow as much free speech as allows their tribe to maintain their position. All the rest of our tribes can squabble over whatever remaining scraps of power are left after the controlling tribe is full up.

      • @Maggoty
        314 months ago

        That’s certainly true for some people.

        But I don’t see the Democrats out there banning books.

        • Billiam
          134 months ago

          Speak for yourself. I’m all for banning ghostwritten books by conservative talking heads so they can launder money and game bestseller lists.

          • @Maggoty
            114 months ago

            Going after them for fraud would work.

            • @[email protected]
              64 months ago

              I mean honestly that’s how it should work. If they’re writing and publishing disinformation that’s not in the “fiction” section then there should be some kind of regulatory backlash (same with news/entertainment etc). It’s like letting someone re-write history textbooks… but I suppose that’s been going on for a long time already.