• @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    26 days ago

    Ok, now do one for the Uyghurs.

    Edit: 23 people down voted so 23 people ITT support genocide.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        26 days ago

        They dont?

        Edit: No answer? Just curious, what criteria are we using to pick the Genocide we are hot about?

      • @buddascrayon
        326 days ago

        More like, “It’s a great thing to oppose the genocide of Palestinians but you’re doing it while buying shit tons of cheap trash being manufactured by a slave class that is currently being slowly tortured and genocided by the government you get that cheap shit from.”

      • BlanketsWithSmallpox
        26 days ago

        Hey now, we’re focusing on the Palestinian genocide here.

        Not the… let me check notes… anywhere that isn’t Africa, Asia, or non-Israel Middle-East.

        RIP Native Americans too.

    • Anas
      1526 days ago

      Nobody is stopping you from doing it.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        26 days ago

        I kinda just did.

        Or do you need the big flashy colors and all caps text?

        You seem like a big flashy colors and all caps text kinda guy.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        26 days ago

        It’s not that it doesn’t matter. It’s just were not going to talk about it because there is a sexier genocide in our favorite conflict torn region.

        • @kaffiene
          426 days ago

          Or actually because the US is intimately tired to Israel and its military while having nearly nothing to do with the Uyghurs? Leverage and culpability are relevant factors here

      • @Homescool
        1026 days ago

        What should we do about whataboutism? It seems to be a popular alternative to engagement.

        • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
          26 days ago

          Like the what aboutism associated with distracting the electorate from every other issue on the ticket to focus solely on Gaza?

          Like that what aboutism?

          How is it what aboutism to confront the people most concerned about Genocide with another Genocide getting zero attention? I detect hypocrisy and this whole adversarial discussion we are having now is only proof of its existence.

          Edit: How about this one? How does me commenting about another Genocide; which is seemingly forgotten by most gaza advocates; in a thread strictly about supporting oppressed people; take away from the message of the thread?

          • @primrosepathspeedrun
            26 days ago

            hey maybe we should stop the fucking genocide. maybe, if you’re a fucking human being with basic capacity for compassion, you could consider that SORT OF IMPORTANT, and the only other thing that could be considered more important or urgent is climate change, which there is no hope of any elected politician doing jack shit about within our (and humanity’s) lifetimes.

            also tho, yeah, wish we had serious action to take to protect uighurs, kurds, armenians (FUCKING AGAIN!), etc

              • @primrosepathspeedrun
                226 days ago

                thank you for assessing my emotions and deciding that the genocide that is still ongoing and nobody has intervened in, and in some cases made BDS illegal to do, is uncontroversial.

                • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
                  026 days ago

                  I’m not saying you shouldn’t be angry I’m saying most people agree with you. We are all captive to things beyond our control. Let me know if you want help reconciling that.

          • @kaffiene
            126 days ago

            When the US is funding the persecution of the Uyghurs, the situations will be equivalent. Oddly enough, citizens of a country tend to be more occupied with the actions of their country than situations that they are not invoked in

              • @kaffiene
                126 days ago

                FFS. Learn to read

                  • @[email protected]
                    25 days ago

                    You guys truly have no hobbies. What a shitfest

                    It’s like someone from rdrama started mining lemmy and those are godless scumbags

                    Edit: also If you haven’t already post it there because at least this way it can have some purpose

      • @I_Has_A_Hat
        -426 days ago

        How about the same questions to you regarding the Palestinian genocide?

        Before you answer, the US withdrawing aid would not stop the genocide. Israel has enough on hand to completely level Palestine. So what do you suggest should be done? Also keep in mind that withdrawing aid means that Israel completely stops even pretending to listen to the one country in the world that can talk to them. Also, also keep in mind that Israel has nukes.

        • @[email protected]
          126 days ago

          I write to my elected representatives to request that they do something. I realize that it’s of limited value, given that the representative for my House district, Mark Pocan, agrees with me and has already voted ‘no’ on aid, and stated that he would be thrilled to personally hand Netanyahu over to agents of the ICC; Sen. Fuck Ron Johnson makes it very clear that he does not wish to hear anything from constituents; Sen. Tammy Baldwin still supports Israel, so maybe I can influence her. I wrote to Biden and said that I could not in good conscience vote for him in the primary. Bigger picture, I think that the state of Israel needs to be abolished for the long-term good of all of its citizens.

          • @I_Has_A_Hat
            -226 days ago

            What do you want your representatives to do? Again, withdrawing aid will not stop the genocide and will only make the problem worse.

              • @I_Has_A_Hat
                -126 days ago

                Who right now can at least talk to Israel? Who can at least try to bring them to the table? Only the US. If the US withdraws support, there is no one else.

                Plus, its like everyone keeps forgetting that Israel has fucking nukes. Given how their leadership has been acting, do you think they’ll refrain from using them if they run out of other options? How about when, not if, Iran invades? Something that’s practically a given if they don’t think the US will retaliate?

        • @[email protected]
          926 days ago

          I feel like there’s nothing that I can do, because my (U.S.) government already has an adversarial stance on China. It has no leverage over Chinese domestic policy whatsoever. I was hoping that somebody who clearly cares deeply for the Uyghurs could provide me some guidance to at least do something, rather than watch on helplessly.

          • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
            26 days ago

            It starts with advocating for the Uyghur, drawing attention to the ever escalating Genocide. Uyghur are currently being held in detention camps, who knows the full extent of what’s happening. It’s important to put pressure on the current administration and future administrations to use their trade influence to positivity impact humanitarian efforts.

    • @kaffiene
      726 days ago

      Oh of course. Never mind go ahead and murder innocent people then. What were we thinking!?

    • @wpb
      -126 days ago

      What you’re doing is called concern trolling. You’re like a republican bringing up mental health in a gun control debate. They normally don’t give a shit about mental health issues, but as a means to distract from mass shootings it’s a great prop.

      20,000 children have been murdered by Israel over the past ten months, with weapons gleefully provided by the united states. Israel is a genocidal apartheid ethnostate, and they have been for the past 76 years. The ethnic cleansing they’ve been carrying out since the nakba is another holocaust, no matter how much you chirp about issues you otherwise wouldn’t bring up, you dishonest fucking serpent.