• @idiomaddict
    2487 months ago

    It’s completely wild that people drink cow hormone juice and then think that soy is affecting their hormones.

      • @MehBlah
        77 months ago

        Not conservatives, regressives.

          • @MehBlah
            -167 months ago

            Its not. There are real conservatives who vote democrat/independent and always have. Regressives are always wasteful and intrusive fanatics unlike a genuine conservative. They might not agree with someone but don’t waste their time trying to shove their worldview down someones throat. Just like a lot of people claiming to be woke also do. Both groups are intolerant and annoying.

              • @[email protected]
                127 months ago

                Yeah but some centrist democrats obsessed with being open minded and “reaching across the aisle” like to promote them.

                  • @lolrightythen
                    27 months ago

                    It’s healthy to acknowledge the polarization in current US politics.

                    I endorse nothing beyond that statement.

              • @MehBlah
                57 months ago

                Not really. All you hear on either side of this morass is the squawking fanatics. The fact you think real conservatives are rare is really sad. Its why the false ones need to be labeled regressives. By playing their game you alienate people who otherwise would be an ally.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  I’d be much more inclined to believe you if quite literally every single conservative I know except for one person hadn’t gotten completely fucking unhinged over the past few years. So out of my admittedly anecdotal sample size of some tens of conservatives, it’s funny how none of them has managed to be a “real” conservative.

                  One self-described “moderate” went as far as to tell me that he thinks the world would be a better place if all of us LGBT+ folks just stopped existing.

                  • @MehBlah
                    -17 months ago

                    Okay, I meet a lot of loud mouths as well. I also know that far too many don’t understand what it really means to be conservative. They always have the latest phone a huge vehicle that never gets used for the purpose its made for. They are quick to buy gimmicks and follow some new trend, like AI. All the while they moan about how corrupt the world is because someone doesn’t fit their worldview. Its just like far too many people have no idea what communism is or for that matter what socialism is or their relationships with democracy and capitalism. I’m not just talking about regressives. People don’t know what a real conservative is because all they get is simple unnuanced entertainment news opinions. Worse they rely on the others to tell them. Its why I never call a maga a conservative. Who cares what they call themselves. They are regressive and there is a difference. You meet actual conservatives all the time. You just don’t know it because they don’t spout tired rhetoric and most of all they respect others freedoms. Unlike fanatics on both sides of this morass. Make no mistake there is almost no difference between 90 percent of democrats and republicans. They all have their prejudices and their blind spots.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      207 months ago

      It’s completely wild that… Husbandry exists? That we eat other animals? That we rot liquid food to drink it? That we use bacteria to curdle milk?

      Hot bean juice!

      • @idiomaddict
        167 months ago

        By drinking human hormone juice and getting their hormones messed with. It’s good and helpful for babies.

      • @[email protected]
        -77 months ago

        The problem is that they give the cows growth hormone and high amounts of estrogen to encourage lactation and it’s in the milk. I’m lactose intolerant like half of adults anyway so I do almond milk and olive oil butter personally.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          I don’t know where you live but I have never ever heard about giving estrogen to cows to force lactation. Just as a reminder, cows produce milk after they got a calf.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          None of those chemicals are allowed to be present in the milk of cows lactating for human consumption. They test the milk for those chemicals at the dairy. If any trace amount is found, the whole tanker is dumped as contaminated.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          That doesn’t make any sense. Estrogen wouldn’t even make a cow produce more milk. Are you confusing Estrogen with Prolactin? (which also isn’t given to cows, but would at least have the effect you describe)

        • Rain World: Slugcat Game
          05 months ago

          the fda has found no significant difference in milk from cows treated with rBST

          source: it came to me in a dream/random food package i read