He may not be in office, but Donald Trump has been speaking with the powers that be about Israel’s war on Gaza—but it’s not in an effort to end the genocide.

Instead, Trump has allegedly been talking with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to avert a cease-fire deal, fearing that doing so could help Vice President Kamala Harris win in November, according to PBS.

“The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the Prime Minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now, because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign,” said PBS’s Judy Woodruff Monday night. “So, I don’t know where—who knows whether that will come about or not, but I have to think that the Harris campaign would like for President Biden to do what presidents do, and that’s to work on that one.”

  • @ChronosTriggerWarning
    7427 days ago

    The “genocide Joe” crowd is deafeningly silent on this development, i see. How surprising.

      • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
        727 days ago

        Terezin Trump is probably more appropriate, given the fakeness of both.

    • @[email protected]
      1027 days ago

      Not sure why you would expect them to be going nuts on this. This is just one more in a long line of terrible things Trump supports, but he is not going to change stance on this for a bunch of people not in his party complaining online.

      Genocide Joe has run its course, in my opinion. Biden is no longer the nominee, and despite all the hand wringing about foreign shills by people who see Russian manipulation in their own shadows, polls seem to indicate this was an overwhelmingly positive move for the Democrats. Harris is not my ideal candidate, but the Genocide Joe moniker was part of a campaign during primary season and leading up to the nomination to not have Biden as the nominee, and it accomplished this.

      This is just some weak what aboutism from sore losers. No shit Trump has worse stances on this issue than Biden, but I can’t vote in primaries other than my registered party in my state, and the GOP was never going to replace him as nominee over this issue anyway.

      • @zerog_bandit
        827 days ago

        Bro the absolute denialism that Genocide Joe wasn’t being pushed by GOP and their international subversives…

        • @[email protected]
          327 days ago

          I wouldn’t deny that they may have thought it was helpful to push at the time, but there are plenty of people who used it that just wanted either a change in stance from Biden, or a different candidate. “Russian shill” has just become the go to line for anyone who wholeheartedly sticks to the Democratic party line to shut down any and all discussion. Criticize your own party’s prospective candidate at the time without first denouncing every bad take Trump has? Russian shill. Don’t agree that the statistics showing the economy is doing great reflect the actual experience of many people? KGB plant. Supermarket is out of your favorite brand of cereal? Putin’s fault. It’s ridiculous.

    • @reddit_sux
      827 days ago

      Genocide Joe crowd knows Biden was a better choice than Trump. They know Kamala is a better choice than Trump. In every metric there is.

      Having said that just because they r the better choice doesnt give them free reign in colluding with genocidal foreign countries who are directly and indirectly trying to influence the election. Just because they r not our enemy doesnt mean they r allowed any and every infraction they wish to do.

      They just want to be heard that they don’t support Israel ignoring the genocide it is perpetrating in Gaza and the US’s role in it.

      You don’t seem to understand the frustration they r feeling having this binary choice. If push comes to shove n they vote they will vote Kamala.

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        126 days ago

        Their continued silence in the ha6ve of Trump’s alleged interference is proof that they don’t give two shits about Palestine or genocide. They’re just pushing an agenda.

        • @[email protected]
          226 days ago

          You’re just talking out of your ass. Obviously we oppose trump trying to sabotage a ceasefire deal. But of course I’m not a true scotsman so nuh uh.

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            026 days ago

            Obviously we oppose trump trying to sabotage a ceasefire deal.

            Speak for yourself, as you’ve just laid down the one single acknowledgement of Trump’s interference I’ve seen since the story broke.

            • @[email protected]
              126 days ago

              How would you even know, are you checking the posting history of every reply to see who has also criticized Biden?

              You’re just assuming that everyone else is anti-genocide when it helps trump but is totally cool when it’s Biden approving another weapons shipment.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                026 days ago

                Which weapon shipment? The one that won’t arrive until 2026? Biden is in office and has responsibility for his actions involving Israel. He’s also trying to get a ceasefire deal, whereas Trump is interfering in the deal for political gain.

                I can acknowledge Biden’s hands aren’t clean. Can you acknowledge that Trump interfering is far worse…?

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        Buddy, I understand the frustration. We are all feeling that frustration. It’s just that most of us understand the reality of the situation.

        I like to think that people like you are either concern trolls, or naive first time voters. Because anything else is fucking depressing.

        This genocide has been going on for literal decades, but suddenly “progressives” such as yourself care enough to possibly spoil the most important election in history, and hand the reins to someone who will literally be 1000x worse for Palestine. What a convenient time to grow a conscience (and/or bother doing a modicum of research into one of the longest, ongoing conflicts in modern history).

        If you actually give a shit about these people, you will vote for Harris. Otherwise, you’re just talk, and your actions (or inaction if you refuse to vote) will be directly responsible for what happens next if Trump wins. You will be explicitly complicit in Israel’s inevitable ramping up of the genocide, and the blood of the millions of Palestinians that will die because of it will be on your hands.

        Just remember that when you wake up Nov. 5th.

    • @[email protected]
      727 days ago

      The “genocide Joe” crowd are, for the most part, well aware that Trump is just as bad for Gaza as Joe is. They’re not arguing for supporting Trump, they’re arguing that both choices are bad.

      This is not a rational position, obviously, because if you care about protecting Palestine you’re still better off supporting the Dems to avoid the worse option of Trump, but for a lot of people it’s hard to stomach the idea of voting for a murderer, no matter what the justification is. The not entirely unreasonable argument is that voting for the Dems to avoid the worse option basically encourages the Dems to be more shitty because they know they can always throw the threat of the GOP in everyone’s faces when they’re called out. I don’t agree with this argument, but I see how it’s compelling to people.

      They’re not Trump supporters - at least, not intentionally - they’re just sick of the whole dicochtomy of being asked to choose between bad and worse. I can understand their frustration, even if I don’t agree with the choice they’re making.

      • Cethin
        1427 days ago

        Trump is not “as bad” as Biden. Trump is significantly worse. Trump has said he wants to ramp things up, and for Israel to “finish the job.” There is no “as bad” here. There won’t be any Gazans left under Trump most likely. There certainly won’t be a Gaza separate from Israel at least.

        • @[email protected]
          327 days ago

          Why are we still defending Biden vs Trump? Harris “won’t stay silent” about Palestine.

          • Cethin
            227 days ago

            Yeah, I don’t know. I was baited into it I guess. Biden sint running anymore. I don’t know if it’s best to just ignore these people or still refute them though. Maybe it’s best to just tell them Biden isn’t running?

          • @Pfeffy
            126 days ago

            Didn’t we just send them more ‘aid’ while they continue to massacre children? Did she speak up and oppose that? Israel is going to commit their atrocities and eradicate Palestine and neither party will oppose it. Arguing about dumb shit Trump says is just a distraction from the actual actions of Democrats. I’m so sick of Democrats telling me that I have to vote for them because otherwise Republicans will do what they are doing but worse.

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        1127 days ago

        I agree, for the most part. However, i do believe a lot of them are Trump supporters, willingly.

      • @auzy
        327 days ago

        Except the ones which are saying it simply to encourage people to stop voting. They do that to dem voters only though suspiciously

        There is no comparison between the two. Trump is unimaginably worse. The only thing anyone has against Biden is his son (which isn’t anything to do with him) and Israel, which Biden is likely trying to get a ceasefire in the background

        I’m sitting here in Australia as he’s telling you guys exactly how he is going to fuck you over… He’s dropping hints constantly that he won’t leave power and introduce laws to extend his term if he wins

        He’s definitely going to pardon more criminals. It’s scary to think of how much damage he’ll do on a second term internationally, as he’s done plenty the first time.

        If Trump ends his term knowing he’s going to jail, don’t be surprised if he leaks all the classified information to everyone to make it seem like he’s fighting for freedom and try to get more power

        • OBJECTION!
          027 days ago

          They do that to dem voters only though suspiciously

          Are there any Republicans on Lemmy that you’d like us to address? Where?

          which Biden is likely trying to get a ceasefire in the background

          This is completely baseless speculation at best, and essentially a conspiracy theory at worst. Biden has given consistent, unconditional support to Israel throughout the current genocide and through his entire decades long career.

          Reasonable speculation, based on recent and past behavior, would suggest that what’s actually happening in the background is that Biden and Netanyahu are operating in lockstep, and any contrary statements they make are keyfabe, with private assurances that there will be no disruption of material aid. On the other hand, we could not rely on speculation at all and just look at the facts, that Biden has been completely behind Netanyahu on anything that actually matters, materially.

          • @auzy
            26 days ago

            Did you want a list of dogshit that Trump has done? Nobody has time to write that list (the “good” things he’s done are mostly limited though, so that is quick). The list is totally opposite for Biden… Before Trump a bj in the oval office was considered bad. Now we discover new worse stuff on a weekly basis

            Trump literally told the proud boys to “stand Back and stand by”… Publicly… In front of everyone… In case you need a reminder of what a bunch of fuckwits they are, refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys . **That’s indesputable proof that trump supports bigotry. **

            You have to be blind at this point to call a convicted rapist who cheats on taxes and abuses everyone (whose own staff WARNS the general public about), to Biden, who hasn’t supported the israel war publicly (oh, but for some reason it’s “reasonable speculation” when it’s YOUR opinion). Trump can’t even get an endorsement from his former VP (that’s how little he can be trusted)

            I’m sitting here in Australia, and I’m watching similar shit go down similar to the insurrection… YET AGAIN!!! As we get closer, he’ll ramp the rhetoric up and start saying it’s rigged, and dropping “truth bombs” which don’t have any evidence against them (but no evidence supporting them).

            He tries to gain power through hate… Biden did not. Kamala and Walz do not.

            They are not the same…

            • @Pfeffy
              226 days ago

              Nobody said they are the same, we just said we’re not going to vote for somebody we don’t support. If Trump is so terrifyingly bad then maybe the Democratic platform should try to get more voters. I’m sick of terrorist style voting tactics where Trump being bad is the only reason to vote for Democrats, but the Democrats are barely different on the issue I care about.

              It’s why you have to pointlessly ramble on about various crap Trump did instead of defending the Democratic platform or stay on topic

              • @auzy
                26 days ago

                A vote for no one is claiming they’re the same. This is exactly on topic. You want a list though: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046

                Trump is Hitler 2.0. If your freedom is something you don’t care about, and you don’t have any female friends or family, then I guess it is easy to sit on the fence…

                The reason everyone talks about Trump’s shitiness, is because he voting for him is like giving a promotion to your high school bully. It’s irrational for anyone to vote for a guy who hates you. Biden isn’t even the candidate at the moment either, so the difference is even more glaring now what a prick Trump is

                • @[email protected]
                  26 days ago

                  A vote for no one is claiming they’re the same.

                  Not really. It implies that neither are good enough, not that they are the same.

                  If your freedom is something you don’t care about

                  Is it freedom when I have to vote at the threat of Hitler 2.0 every year? Am I not allowed to pull politicians back to my positions when they get too far out of whack? Why are you blaming your fellow Americans classmen for not electing your candidate, instead of asking your candidate to be more electable? Nevermind you; how about the candidate themselves, scolding people for not electing them?

                  How do you know the entire democratic platform isn’t just empty platitudes? Roe V Wade/ Dobbs happened on Democrats’ watch. In fact, everything the supreme court is doing is happening on Biden’s watch, as he didn’t do much more than float adding justices to make it less partisan. Everything with the economy, food prices, housing, healthcare, and the gaslighting instead of action on those fronts, is on their watch. They’ve completely given up on opposing the anti-immigration narratives coming from the right…

                  We’re tired of democrats running on being controlled opposition to the republicans. They need to do more than just imply or let us assume they’re going to do things because it opposes what the other guy is doing. They need to reach deep and find some policy positions of their own and earn votes because they’re actually popular. Not because they’re not the other guy.

                  I’d like to vote for Kamala in November but I also think it’s important to hold out until I personally find her platform compelling on its own merits, not on any pressure campaign or the implied lack of anyone else’s. Change and progress don’t happen by being passive and letting people shout you down.

                  It’s irrational for anyone to vote for a guy who hates you.

                  Oh yeah? What if the other guy is worse!?

                  Imagine, for a moment, that there is no democratic party. Trump is the furthest left you can go, the closest you can get to progress, and the other guy is promising to take you backwards. This is not bizarro world, Trump will take you backwards too, and will still tell the world that anyone to the left of him is a radical, including you. Just not as bad as the other guy.

                  Just humor me. You’d be irrational not to vote for Trump, no? Even though he hates you? Even to make him squirm a little bit and win some concessions?

                  You’d vote for the other guy, just because he’s not Trump? Cause that guy hates you too, probably worse. Not vote? Well obviously that’s a vote for the other guy. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. I just vote for the people that do.

            • OBJECTION!
              26 days ago

              Did you want a list of dogshit that Trump has done?

              No, I’m well aware of it.

              It’s very funny to me that you’re defending Biden by talking about Trump when Biden isn’t even running anymore. There is no longer any “lesser evil” argument for you to hide behind. Trump is completely irrelevant to Biden’s record and I won’t acknowledge a word about that in that context.

              Before Biden became the Democratic nominee in 2020, it was perfectly acceptable to criticize him and call a spade a spade. He’s one of the architects of mass incarceration, and of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he’s an irredeemable monster with the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent people on his hands. But once he was up against Trump, all you people choose to willfully deceive yourselves into this fantasy that he’s some kind of progressive figure. And now, the reason for that self-deception is gone, but you’re still deluding yourself and licking his boots. It’s pathetic.

              I’m not willing to lie to myself or anyone else for the sake of helping some war criminal win an election that I don’t even have a voice in, seeing as I don’t live in a swing state. But it’s even worse for you to do it not even having a vote here at all. You’re lieing to yourself for the sake of these horrible people when it doesn’t even help them in any way.

              oh, but for some reason it’s “reasonable speculation” when it’s YOUR opinion

              Yes, because my speculation comes from facts and evidence, not wishful thinking. As I said though, no speculation is actually necessary.

    • @graymess
      -527 days ago

      What does this even mean? Leftists want an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The only way that happens is if the US stops funding their genocide campaign. If Biden (or Harris/Trump as the next president) had any interest, they could just do that. They won’t, but they could.

      If you think leftists want Trump to sabotage the minute possibility that Biden will finally do the right thing, then you fundamentally misunderstand the situation.

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        1227 days ago

        It means that those that were referring to Joe Biden as “Genocide Joe” because of his continued support to Israel, haven’t said peep about Trump actively sabotaging a peace deal for his own personal and political gain. Like it was all in bad faith or something.


        • @graymess
          -627 days ago

          Yeah, weird. Let me get our “Genocide Joe” CEO to make a statement about this extremely recent news that most people haven’t heard yet.

          It’s so disappointing watching liberals continue to rally behind this old, rotten bastard and defend his rampant and wildly unpopular complicity of an actual genocide when he’s not even the one running for reelection. Bad faith? Wanting our money to stop funding the wholesale slaughter of innocent people is acting in bad faith because you don’t like the nickname? If the mere association of Biden’s name with the result of his own foreign policy sounds so bad that Democrats are afraid it will make his VP lose the election, maybe he should take the fucking hint and change his policy. If the party doesn’t like the name “Genocide Joe” then just stop committing genocide. Very fucking simple.

          And if you want my opinion on Trump, he should be in prison several times over, including for this exact reason. Why would anyone wanting an end to war think otherwise? You absolute clown.

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            227 days ago

            Where have i defended Biden, as you imply? This isn’t binary, me pointing out hypocrisy ISN’T A DEFENSE of anyone else, you muppet.

            I’m still waiting to hear any of you accusing ME of defending Biden to


            • @graymess
              027 days ago

              You’re framing this as if specifically those critical of Biden over his arms deals with Israel are secretly pleased Trump is making shit worse. Nobody on the left thinks that Trump getting involved will somehow be a positive influence to end the genocide in Gaza. Can we just take a minute and recognize that? If you’ve seen otherwise, call that shit out by all means. But your initial comment reads like a smear campaign.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                126 days ago

                Lol, nope, that’s how you’d like me to frame it.

                I’m still waiting for all them that were screaming about genocide Joe sending military aid to a genocide, which is bad, to call out Trump for interfering in a ceasefire deal, WHICH IS WORSE. But so far? Nada but crickets.

                “Trump fucking bad. Trump fucking stop.” That’s apparently harder than “Genocide Joe.”

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      -4327 days ago

      Is it ok for Democrats to continue financing a genocide because Trump said he’d do it, too?

      Biden isn’t even in the race anymore. Why are you still trying to defend him?

          • @SLVRDRGN
            127 days ago

            That’s an interesting point indeed. Yet that is not the typical sentiment I see/hear. But what I still don’t understand is, why would anyone vote for a lost cause in order to stick it to someone (Biden) who chooses (I disagree with him) not to budge? Will that make things better? Won’t it be worse?

      • @ChronosTriggerWarning
        1927 days ago

        Hey, lookit that, I’m learning how to summon them!

        Who defended Biden? I pointed out how y’all seem exceedingly quiet on the matter, and what’s your response? “Buh-buh-buh-Biden buh-buh-buh-bad!” I’ll give ya one thing, you’re as predictable as a Swiss watch.

      • HubertManne
        1027 days ago

        I think he was questioning why biden gets it but trump has no need of defense in this much more specific action.

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            1027 days ago

            And Trump is trying to STOP A CEASE FIRE for his own personal gain. But mum’s the word, apparently.

          • @[email protected]
            827 days ago

            And Trump is not even a public official and still calling the President of Israel trying to keep the conflict going.

          • HubertManne
            627 days ago

            its not about criticism in general its about the same group quickly jumping on and criticizing for their one issue with trump similar to how they do with biden. In particular given that this is trump trying to make it worse rather than just not taking action to make it better.

      • knightly the Sneptaur
        -2727 days ago

        Right? Pretty sus that we’re suddenly not allowed to be anti-genocide… because Trump is pro-genocide?

        • @ZMoney
          -2427 days ago

          Yeah let me join the downvote crowd. The most powerful military and the largest economy in the world is unable to stop its vassal state from carrying out a genocide for 10 months. But if I vote for this cop and her soldier friend instead of a real estate guy, we’ll magically change our ways and the bombs will stop falling. I have a bridge to sell you.

          • @[email protected]
            1227 days ago

            K let me try and put this as simply as I can, so that you fucking acorns can understand:

            Joe Biden is working towards a cease-fire. That is a fact.

            Donald Trump is actively discouraging Netanyahu from agreeing to a cease-fire. That is a fact. No bridges there.

            You people are condemning Joe Biden, the guy now actively working towards a cease-fire.

            You people are not condemning Donald Trump, the guy actively interfering with a cease-fire.

            To reiterate, Donald Trump is actively, publicly, and aggressively supporting genocide, and Joe Biden is trying to get a cease-fire enacted, yet you Genocide Joe sycophants can’t see past your own biases to realize that.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              -727 days ago

              Joe Biden is working towards a cease-fire. That is a fact.

              He just sent them $20B in new arms exports.

              FFS, Americans are the most propagandized people on earth. You’ll believe absolutely anything, except the truth.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                927 days ago

                And Trump is interfering with a ceasefire. You don’t give two shits about Palestinians or genocide.

                • @UnderpantsWeevil
                  -927 days ago

                  And Trump is interfering with a ceasefire.

                  Netanyahu has not demonstrated any interest in a ceasefire. Blaming this on Trump deflects the strong Israeli support for further genocide of the Gaza people.

                  • @[email protected]
                    927 days ago

                    Trump is on Netanyahu’s side regarding a cease-fire. If you have a problem with Netanyahu not entertaining a cease fire, you should have a problem with Trump trying to scuttle it.

                    That is, if your problem is actually with the genocide, and not just a weird personal vendetta against Joe Biden.

                  • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                    527 days ago

                    Excuses excuses. Brotherhood of the traveling goalposts. Your bias is showing.

              • @vxx
                927 days ago

                For jets that will not be delivered before 2029.

              • @[email protected]
                827 days ago

                The vast bulk of that deal is a contract for 50 F-15s, which are estimated to be delivered in 2029. He did not “just send them $20B in new arms exports”.

          • @[email protected]
            1027 days ago

            instead of a real estate guy

            • Instead of a real estate guy who just called the person doing the genocide to ask him to keep genociding


          • @barsquid
            927 days ago

            If the cop and her soldier friend don’t win the race, the person who will win is a rapist insurrectionist, he will facilitate the further erosion into total fascism, he will ramp up the genocide in Gaza and Ukraine, he will further remove human rights from our neighbors. The article is literally about this guy violating the law in attempt to prolong the genocide. For personal gain. Or you could throw your ballot in the trash, I guess.

            • @ZMoney
              27 days ago

              Jill Stein needs 5% to get the Greens increased federal funding. I live in a state where my blue vote wouldn’t matter. Seems pretty simple to me.

              • @barsquid
                727 days ago

                Oh. A completely different goalpost from what you originally wrote.

                • @ZMoney
                  -427 days ago

                  Lol. Enjoy your goal posts, soccer friend.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              27 days ago

              “Trump made a call to Netanyahu to tell him to do the things he was going to do anyway. This is possibly illegal (but he won’t be prosecuted for it so it isn’t illegal in an tangible sense).”

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                927 days ago

                Trump is actively trying to stop a ceasefire. A ceasefire that you ostensibly would support. So, why no criticism…?

                • @UnderpantsWeevil
                  -727 days ago

                  Netanyahu has expressed no support for a ceasefire, going so far as to greenlight the assassination of the lead Palestinian diplomat.

                  • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                    627 days ago

                    So “Genocide Ben?” “Genocide Don?” No? Just genocide Joe? Still waiting for any kind of condemnation. Lacking that, it looks like you support this.