• @Rapidcreek
    622 days ago

    Not too sure of that, and I would never defend Trump. Fact is that COVID emerged around October of 2019. It was sequenced in December. Scientists developed a vaccine in early January 2020. It went into test then. Production availability started in December 2020. Biden took the distribution into high gear when entering office in 2021. Trump played no role Except being an idiot. Science saved ass.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      He refused to quarantine, wouldn’t wear a goddamn mask, and he thought it was only going to be a blue cities problem so he didn’t care of it spread. He wanted covid to kill off blue (but probably real black and brown people who didn’t vote for him).

      When they realized it was killing Floridians he pushed UV enemas, horse dewormer and injecting or drinking bleach.

      That’s way more than being some kind of passive idiot.

      • @[email protected]
        122 days ago

        Man I remember that time… Mainly because it suddenly got real hard or expensive to get your hands on horse dewormer. I should add that I used that to ensure that my horse had no worms at the time. That kind of dumb actually had impact even outside the US and just goes to show just how much damage that dumb fuck actually caused.

      • @Rapidcreek
        22 days ago

        Of course, that was part of being an idiot. But, the message I responded to had to do with disease spread. It spread with time, but that time wasn’t taken by Trump. Did he make things worse? Sure

        • @[email protected]
          022 days ago

          I usually try to apply Hanlon’s razor first, but the evidence that they expected covid to be a blue state problem since Boston, San Fransisco, and especially NYC, all had very bad initial outbreaks and high casualties in starting March of 2020, leads me to believe there was malice behind their choices.

          • @Rapidcreek
            122 days ago

            How many Lemmy contributions does it take not to be able to follow a string and take comments out of context?

            Three so far.

            As I explained previously, I was responding to an issue of disease spread.

            Read. Stop the knee jerk.

    • @TrickDacy
      222 days ago

      You’re saying all this like his sociopathic influence over millions of people, telling them masks don’t work, didn’t matter. It did.