• @Rapidcreek
    5220 days ago

    An aide to Donald Trump “abruptly pushed aside” an Arlington National Cemetery employee on Monday when the former president visited the site with family members of U.S. service members killed in the 2021 Kabul airport attack during the withdrawal from Afghanistan, NBC News reports.

    The Trump aide pushed the cemetery employee out of the way to get past to take photos and video at Section 60, where service members killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are buried.

    Any decent organization would have apologized to the employee and her boss a long time ago. But, we’re talking Trump here.

    • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
      20 days ago

      They had already talked to the cemetery and set up the visit and the rules were given to him (or his handlers) at that time. He (they ) were told it was just to be a personal visit with whatever handlers he required (ex.- secret service) but that campaign staff and photos/video was strictly forbidden. So him showing up with his campaign posse looking to do a photo op was something they already knew ahead of time was not allowed.

      Edit - curse you autocorrect!

      • @[email protected]
        120 days ago

        They really should have had more than just this one lady there to enforce that. They knew this was a risk and they were worried about him following the rules.

        • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
          320 days ago

          Why should a cemetery for fallen soldiers NEED to make sure a former President of the United States isn’t coming to the cemetery with his campaign to do a photoshoot they were specifically told in advance was not permitted (and was illegal)? Why should the burden of Trump following the law be on cemetery staff?

          And he broke the law and had photographic and video evidence to prove it, so why doesn’t law enforcement stop treating these chuds like they are above the law and arrest them and let them make their case in court.

          • @[email protected]
            220 days ago

            Because they knew he was likely to violate the rules they laid out, and when a controlling entity knows a high-profile likely lawbreaker is incoming they should staff accordingly rather than pretend a single email means he’ll do it. It was worth their time to talk about it at high levels and define rules for his visit, it shouldn’t have been to a single woman to actually be there and tell him no. Just have some federal agents there to arrest them as soon as they do something illegal.

            And yeah, now that he broke the law, they should prosecute him.

            • TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)
              119 days ago

              They had spoken to someone in his circle and explained the rules, and I’m sure they were assured they understood, so I don’t think it was until Trump and posse arrived at the cemetery they knew his campaign planned to go rouge. And again, you should be able to trust that a former US President of all people should be expected to follow the rules when visiting a cemetery for fallen soldiers.

              Hind sight is also 20/20, and I don’t think anyone that day was expecting a former President to show up to Arlington to make a seen, and have campaign staff assault cemetery staff.

              • @[email protected]
                219 days ago

                This isn’t hindsight. People were worried he’d politicize the event from the beginning. If he turned over a new leaf and surprised us all by respecting the solemnity of the cemetery, oh well, you’ve sent a couple extra staff out to waste some time for a contingency that didn’t come to pass.

                Saying “you should be able to trust a former president” just completely ignores that this particular former president is well known and doesn’t care about rules. He literally incited an insurrection and then sat back and watched. There’s no excuse to be surprised by Trump at this point.