There is limited research on the impact of the vegan diet on the feline companions in comparison to canines. As it is not as well known in the general public that cats can be healthy on a plant-based diet provided with taurine, B12, vitamin A.

Vegan diet:





Vegetarian diet:

  • TheTechnician27M
    6 months ago

    Yeah, I’m removing the comment with that link, because I genuinely do not trust this website; everything on it sounds completely unhinged, and that doesn’t inspire confidence in me that they can pull off something so delicate as a plant-based food for cats.

    Like the entire site is just bizarre. One of the alleged testimonials from “[REDACTED]” reads:


    Literally what on Earth is this. The site just keeps referencing some single “university study” over and over again and doesn’t seem to link to it. The production value for the UI seems high, but the contents frankly come off as some combination of machine generation and psychosis. It’s like they took a Katamari through a list of buzzwords.

    • @foggenbooty
      6 months ago

      I have to say I am really disappointed with this hand holding form of moderation, treating me as a child that can’t make up my own mind on a product. I was able to find that cat food sold through a reputable pet store and now I can’t remember the name because you’ve deleted it. You’ve decided your opinion trumps my research and that’s not how an open forum for discussion should be.

      I know you think that animals are going to be harmed and you’re trying to do the right thing, but it’s simply overplaying your role and blocking discussion. Imagine going into a BDSM community and telling the people there that what they’re doing is harmful and they need to see a psychiatrist. Maybe you could be right? But it’s not your call.

      You should be stopping hateful speach, bullying, and trying to keep illegal content off the server. Sluthing links and deleting posts because they don’t match your opinion is simply not the role of a mod. I don’t mean to be rude or insult you personally, but these kinds of actions matter and really make me reconsider if this is a community I want to be a part of if it is run this way.

      • TheTechnician27M
        6 months ago

        It’s trivially obvious the website is a scam. The entire site is in all-caps, the UI is jank as hell, it just nonsensically repeats buzzwords all over the place with no rhyme or reason, it constantly references a single study that I can’t even verify exists, the reviews are so obviously fake it hurts because their English is just as broken as the website’s and they throw out the same buzzwords in the same manner, it’s full of unfounded superlatives like “the healthiest” and “the longest life”, and just in general, there is a complete lack of professionalism or coherency that I would expect from any reputable storefront, again let alone one which is trying to walk the fine line of selling vegan cat food. Even disregarding LW ToS rule 8.1 which that website unambiguously fails to meet, it’s our duty as vegans to reduce the suffering we cause for animals as far as possible, and that includes not leaving up – I emphasize – obvious links to scam sites for their food.

        I did some digging, however, into the doctor that the scam website keeps referencing. It turns up this website which seems to actually have accredited professionals behind it and actually reads like coherent English written by a person not in the midst of psychosis. It also says it was founded in 1989, which is the same year the scam site claims to have been founded. Thus, I believe that the website linked to before was essentially trying to be a scam/bootleg version of, although to what end I’m unsure. Mystery ostensibly solved, @lunarul. doesn’t seem to actually sell their own cat food but rather seems to perform individualized consultations for pets.

        The comment is staying deleted; your analogy makes no sense because it’s your cat’s health on the line here, not your own. This community does not and will not host links to scammers masquerading as veterinary nutritionists.

        • @foggenbooty
          26 months ago

          You may be 100% right in your assessment of the scam. I can’t argue otherwise because you deleted the URL, so you win by default.