It will support PS/2 keyboards and VGA. Intended to be a learning platform for RISC-V coding, it’s only got 2k of RAM. (I tried finding a 3rd party source for this announcement but I struck out, so I’m linking the actual olimex webpage. Not affiliated with them, just thought this looked neat.)

  • @[email protected]
    25 months ago

    Hmm I’m seeing a sale price right now, might be based off my order history though. I found another that has a standard price of $10.39, but all the ones I looked at are now also including a shipping cost around $4.50 so that jacks the price up even more.

    All these taxes and tarrifs and what-not are really hurting people’s ability to get access to affordable items. I was looking at some solar panels right before the US added a tarrif to those items, so now I’ll wait to see what happens.

    • @Buffalox
      15 months ago

      They must have different prices for different regions, I’m also told the “normal” price is Kr 109,82 DKK = $16.16 USD. Shipping is $7.71.
      If it was sent from EU when sold to EU, so there wasn’t any import fees or taxes, it would be very nice, but these sites rarely write where they are shipping from.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        If you’re curious enough to get one, I’ve seen them on ebay as well. Might even be available on Amazon. I think they’ve been around for a couple years, I just got mine in April but still haven’t had time to fire it up and play with it.