Donald Trump on Friday said he does not enjoy running for president and criticized state and federal prosecutors for not offering him plea deals, capping a rough seven days for the Republican presidential nominee.

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  • @givesomefucks
    166 months ago

    Why would he do a speech?

    He won’t be anywhere near DC this time.

    And even if there’s no “protest” as cover, 100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.

    Even if they’re five minutes away, these idiots really think they’ll be remembered as the new founding fathers. And can do a hell of a lot of damage if they swarm every entrance at once. Especially when it’s almost guaranteed some did it four years ago.

    They’ll 100% crash out over this, and if trump loses he’ll keep campaigning and doing rallys to stoke this shit. They’re not rational, and they have a shit ton of guns. We need to prepare appropriately

    • @jordanlundM
      56 months ago

      D.C. has crazy gun restrictions precisely for this reason, so a bunch of guys rolling up in 4x4s with AR’s aren’t getting far.

      The reason 1/6 was so bad was because Trump had 2 months to collect them there for a legit, permitted speech.

      If he has no power, there is no permit.

      If there’s no permit, there’s no gathering.

      • @givesomefucks
        46 months ago

        D.C. has crazy gun restrictions precisely for this reason, so a bunch of guys rolling up in 4x4s with AR’s aren’t getting far.

        If they’re recreating Mad Max…

        But they’re not searching vehicles when they get to DC.

        He doesn’t need to be there tho, he can just tell them “it would be great” if someone did it on twitter

          • @givesomefucks
            36 months ago


            No one is searching people as they pull into DC…

            If they’re bringing guns to overthrow the government, no one is going to know until they pull them out.

            Whether that’s a rifle from a truck or a pistol from their pants, it doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not when as soon as it comes out they’re trying to overthrowing the government

            • abff08f4813c
              16 months ago

              Hmm … all of DC? Would locking down the Capitol Area (the small set of blocks that cover the locations of both Houses of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the White House) be sufficient?

              • @givesomefucks
                06 months ago

                That’s cops doing “stop and frisk” in high crime areas…

                That’s not them pulling over vehicles at the border and searching…

                • abff08f4813c
                  16 months ago

                  I think I see what you’re saying. There’s a difference between checking lots of cars in random checks, versus checking every single car that enters and leaves DC at the border areas (it borders Maryland and Virginia for those who don’t know).

                  A border on all of DC is going to be tough to enforce because of the high level of integration with nearby cities in the two states that it borders - it’d be more practical to set up border checks on the entire greater DC metro area, but you’d have to secure the cooperation of two different State governors to do that.

                • @jordanlundM
                  06 months ago

                  “frequently stop pedestrians and pull cars over, searching for illegal guns.”

    • FuglyDuck
      6 months ago

      And even if there’s no “protest” as cover, 100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.

      they can be tucked out of sight on capital hill grounds. Set up barriers and emplacements ahead of time. if you have the space it takes just a few minutes to get an MG emplacement set up.

      The reality is, though, that non-scalable barriers needed to have been used the first time around. the crowd control barricades are only really useful for guiding crowd flow when the crowd is compliant (like, at concerts or stuff, to just keep people moving the direction they’re supposed to go. They’re not meant for riots.)

      For riots (or potential riots,) you need something like these:


      The first is outside Hennepin County Gov center after the Floyd protests broke out. The second is the US supreme Court building after the RvW leaks ahead their Dobbs decision. HCGC has since updated their external security perimeter to permanent non-scalables that fold out in a hurry. Otherwise they’re basically tall, triangular steel towers that look “almost” like some kind of art.

      Basically each tower serves as 3 sections along a fence. two sections swing out and lock into the sections of the next barrier-tower. Normally, they’re folded back to allow more or less free movement (but they also act like bollards to stop vehicles and things.) but can be quickly deployed once word goes out that something is coming. IIRC, they added those only around the entrances to the HCGC, and the courtyard would have to be secured separately. Those only took like a year to install at HCGC.

      and to anyone saying the optics are bad. The Jan 6 optics of insurrectionists smearing human feces on the wall were, and remain, far worse.

    • @btaf45
      6 months ago

      100 guys in trucks rolling up with body armor and illegal automatic weapons would be a huge problem if NG isn’t already in place and settled in.

      Then there will be 100 deaths. Because the military guarding the capital will be more like 7000 troops. And the entire Maryland national guard will be about 10 minutes away.

    • abff08f4813c
      16 months ago

      Why would he do a speech?

      Last time it was a speech he had that encourage the riot. Doesn’t mean it has to be a similar style of speech the next time, but kinda makes sense that someone would think of this as the first thing that comes to mind.

      He won’t be anywhere near DC this time.

      Yeah he can probably give a speech from literally anywhere else in the US and there wouldn’t be much difference. Why would he want to get his hands dirty anyways?