Winn always made my skin crawl!

  • Optional
    275 months ago

    The Elders tell me Pulaski was supposed to be “unlikable” but in a gruff, McCoy dammit-i’m-a-doctor kind of way.

    But the fact that that wasn’t possible to do (and wouldn’t have worked if it was) apparently didn’t stop them from trying.

    The sophomore slump hits everybody.

    • @GraniteM
      235 months ago

      I think they were trying to build a Pulaski-Data relationship that mirrored the McCoy-Spock relationship, where McCoy would say something shockingly racist like calling Spock a green-blooded hobgoblin, but then Spock would insult him right back and it was all in good fun so it was “okay.” The problem was that Data wasn’t able to give as good as he got, so it came across as Pulaski bullying the sweet autistic kid, which did not work as well as McCoy-Spock.

      • Optional
        75 months ago

        Agreed! And something that could have been worked out in the writer’s room before they committed. Eh. It’s fine. They backed off of that intended relationship after a very short amount of time and gave her another vibe.