The memes make themselves

  • ObjectivityIncarnate
    -35 months ago

    Women are already safer ‘walking at night’ than men are, by a wide margin. And even for men it’s quite rare overall.

    You’ve been duped by fear-mongering propaganda.

    Also, the fact is that any pair of people is statistically WAY less likely to be attacked in that way, than any individual. This should be the primary ‘tip’ at the top of the list when it comes to educating about being safe in that situation. Nothing reduces your risk more, regardless of your sex, than not being all by yourself. Nothing else comes even close.

    P.S. Bonus tip, because I hate whenever I see this ‘advice’ making the rounds on social media or whatnot: doing some Wolverine-style shit with your keys is a stupid self-defense idea; it’s ineffective and literally more likely to do damage to you than an attacker. Instead, in a pinch, it’s much better to hold the largest key you have (likely car key) between thumb and index finger, and ‘stab’ with it like a dagger, hard as you can.

      • ObjectivityIncarnate
        04 months ago

        What part of this are you doubting the accuracy of? None of it is controversial (if you care about what the facts/statistics are more than what you want them to be, that is).

    • Poplar?
      05 months ago


      Ever heard of humility

      • ObjectivityIncarnate
        14 months ago

        Sure, it’s a bit hyperbolic, but the fact of the matter is that I’ve never met anyone else who was as good or consistent at keeping personal feelings and biases from influencing their conclusions, not even close.

        And so, so many people here think they have me figured out, and also aren’t even close, because they in their lazy-mindedness are so used to putting people in their stereotype-defined buckets, instead of assessing them as individuals.