The memes make themselves

  • AWildMimicAppears
    34 days ago

    I have an even better proposition: have a gang of robot waifus/husbandos to kick the asses of any “men” who misbehave.

    • @Shou
      24 days ago

      Don’t say “men” as if they aren’t human. They are men as much as the ones who aren’t assholes.

      • AWildMimicAppears
        14 days ago

        didn’t mean to dehumanize them, i meant that they aren’t men in the sense of masculinity. theres not much thats less masculine than bothering people who don’t want to be bothered.

        • @Shou
          24 days ago

          Anything a man does, could be dubbed as masculine. Be it helping someone, or dominating someone.

          Boys and men have the habit to fight moreso than girls and women. More violently too. Yet when a man assaults someone, it’s somehow not masculine?

          • AWildMimicAppears
            03 days ago

            Assault is not an masculine trait, it’s an action done by disgusting people regardless of gender. I wasn’t assaulted often, but I was hit by women more often than men(I know that I am in the minority, but it demonstrates that violence is not inherently something based in gender).

            I personally think that masculinity (or femininity) is diminished by such actions. It makes people look undisciplined and lacking morals, empathy and respect.

            I also think it’s important to start defining masculinity and femininity by positive traits, so young people see it and aspire to embody those traits. We need a counter-weight to the Tate’s and Rogan’s in this world.