For me “How long could I get away with driving like an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE all the time before I lost my licence or had an accident.” Speed limits, red lights, stop signs… forget them all. Every day I have to drive sensibly and obey the law because without my licence I dont have a job, and every day I see at least one person driving like an absolute moron and I wonder…

  • @hakunawazo
    194 months ago

    the power to smell like dogs

    I know how it was meant, but imagine a new X-men hero who has only the ability to smell like a wet dog. That’s some Deadpool level of absurdity.

    • Tippon
      64 months ago

      I think I sat next to him on the bus once

    • @Anticorp
      64 months ago

      I was imagining a human who is constantly shoving his face in other people’s butts and crotches for a good sniff.

      • @hakunawazo
        14 months ago

        Ah, the worlds greatest detectsniff.