Migrants who arrived since 2015 say they feel unwelcome in Germany, where the far-right Alternative for Germany is gaining support.

    • federal reverseM
      215 months ago

      at [the] expense of domestic population

      Gee. That’s just wrong. The benefit of even just the refugees is far greater than the cost. E.g. the German hospital system pretty much wouldn’t work anymore without thousands of migrant doctors, many of which Syrians.

        • federal reverseM
          5 months ago

          regime […] slave labour

          I know you’re edgelording but would you mind reverting back to appropriate terms here? You’re speaking about Germany, not about Uyghur labor in China.

          This is not a flex you think it is, just an indication of poor leadership

          Not meant as a flex at all: Just a part of reality where migrants contribute a lot to German society, while a lot of Germans are put off by people simply speaking a different language or having the wrong skin color, and/or being riled up by racism in media and politics.

          While sure immigration is over all good for GDP, it supresses wages of the indigenous slave labour. So for a wage slave thus is inherently a hit to their wallets.

          For funsies, consider that Germany didn’t even have a federal minimum wage until 2009 and how that impacted wages, like in real terms. Also consider, that migration does come with an overall expanding economy (i.e. you need more goods, you need new services, etc.) which can easily mean better (economic/social) outcomes for all.

          • federal reverseM
            5 months ago

            [Addendum:] The quality of leadership is an entirely different topic. But fwiw, the only way to keep capitalism going is an expanding society but women don’t seem to want to have more kids lately. Of course, it would behoove us to question capitalism and the expensive, often societally detrimental systems built since WWII. We won’t get to working on those questions though, if our attentions continue to be focused on racist bullshit.

            Right-wing parties not only don’t question capitalism, they also do have own improbable “solutions” to the question of growing the population: Essentially outlawing abortions, forcing LGBTQ people into cishet conformity, and weakening women’s rights (which likely encompasses gradually making rape less illegal).

              • federal reverseM
                75 months ago

                I guess I should have clarified that I was asking you to tone down the language as a mod, too. Further questions in private.

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          Because trade is a thing and protecting the weakest also protects the slightly better of. That is to say, if migrant workers can not be exploited neither can German workers.

          And yes that includes helping workers in other countries.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Germany just tries closing its borders with “smart controls” (which basicalle means racial profiling). Every political party except the Left wants to deport “criminal migrants” (“criminal” being a fig leaf here) (and even in the Left there are some who want to deport). German lawmakers are pushing for more and more restrictions, cutting financial support for refugees, leaning on populistic measures, abusing statistics left and right and so on and so forth

      This article isn’t about that though. It’s about rising xenophobia, a climate of fear and racism constructed and driven forward by the AfD (the party that’s too far right even for Italy’s post fascists) and how migrants and citizens with migration backgrounds don’t feel safe and welcome anymore.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      If you manage to get out of the brainbin, have a look around and tell me that it‘s the poor ripping everyone off.

    • Match!!
      15 months ago

      shit is bad for the domestic population because of capitalism not because of complying with asylum laws

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        It isn’t even bad for the domestic population. The domestic population actually needs immigration, because the domestic population is aging and we’re running out of young people (in relation to the older population).