I made this silly thing cuz I always call it that and now I wanna hang this in my room >v<

Bonus UwO:

"NO MAN'S SKY" but zoomed into "O MA" and flipped upside down so it looks like VwO

    • @[email protected]
      216 months ago

      Worst part about looking for Pink, Purple or less-common-colored tools is that almost all will tout how light-weight/small they are, and the reviews will bear out that they may be slightly lighter or smaller than other tools, but also much, much weaker, because the pandering has taken precedence over the notion of a useful tool.

    • Smorty [she/her]
      26 months ago

      Awww,i hope they have little fluffy cuffs around the handle! <3

      Also, what’s the funny in the meme?

      • the post? “No Man’s Sky” means no man owns the sky but that still leaves enbies and women to take over the skies >:3 so thats why I call it Woman’s Sky cuz funi :3 and then I noticed thats actually just one letter away from the actual name so I did that and thought people here would find it funny and cute so here we r :3