• lnxtx
    222 days ago

    From the article:

    The Financial Times newspaper reported that, based on WHO figures, over 9,000 patients are in need of urgent treatment as Gaza’s health system has become overwhelmed. This number includes a list of 109 severely ill and injured children, which the WHO hoped would be treated in EU countries.

    9000 / 27 = ~334


    Norway has also committed to taking in 20 patients.
    The first 16 seriously injured children were evacuated to Spain in July.


    • @[email protected]
      102 days ago

      Also if splitting it by approx. the countries population it gets even lower. Finland has like 5.6 of ca. 450 million EU inhabitants. So that number goes down to like 100 people.

      Finland is claiming that their health system cannot take in a hundred patients? If i was Finnish i would leave immediately and seek refugee, as their system must be at imminent collapse, according to their government.

      • @Dasus
        32 days ago

        If i was Finnish i would leave immediately and seek refugee, as their system must be at imminent collapse, according to their government.

        I’m Finnish and I know you’re joking, but you’re honestly not missing the truth much.

        This place is absolutely overrated. “Happiest country in the world”? No, it isn’t and no such study ever measures Finns Happiness.

        • Aniki
          11 day ago

          I wonder how many of these studies are made by the tourism branch of economy to attract travellers.

          Anyways, hope you’re doing fine up there :)

          • @Dasus
            11 day ago

            I don’t know if it was a tourism board or whatnot, but I know the misunderstanding there was. The study was about contentedness, not happiness per se, and in Finnish culture, complaining is sort of frowned upon, so basically some interviewers went on the street in several countries, and took down how people said they feel about something. And they ask if a Finnish person is content. And Finns don’t really complain, so… next thing you know the study is being touted as having measured happiness and Finns having topped the list.

            Anyways, hope you’re doing fine up there :)

            Can’t complain, thanks.

      • @WhatAmLemmy
        132 days ago

        Neoliberal conservative government practices neoliberal conservatism.

        • Mirror Giraffe
          62 days ago

          They also have an openly racist party in the government. Sannfinländarna, meaning “The true Finns”

        • @Aceticon
          11 day ago

          Neoliberal conservative = Fascist Adjacent.

      • Iceblade
        02 days ago

        There are plenty of countries closer by that can handle this.

        It is not surprising that countries in eastern and northern Europe feel the need to focus on refugees from countries on our own continent. It is bad enough that the hundreds of thousands of people that came from MENA during the 2010s are still straining our welfare systems to a degree where it degrades our ability to help both our own citizens and refugees within Europe.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          42 days ago

          There are plenty of countries closer by that can handle this

          The nearby countries are either already doing their part, themselves being attacked by Israel either overtly or covertly, or both.

          It is not surprising that countries in eastern and northern Europe feel the need to focus on refugees from countries on our own continent

          Sure, xenophobia isn’t SURPRISING at this point. Doesn’t justify it, though.

          the hundreds of thousands of people that came from MENA during the 2010s are still straining our welfare systems to a degree where it degrades our ability to help both our own citizens and refugees within Europe.

          Pure far right propaganda bullshit. Immigrants are on average a net improvement to the economy of the destination, refugees especially so. The vast majority of people making use of social safety nets are native born.

          Sincerely, Dane with no foreign ancestry in at least a dozen generations who’s sick of all the xebophobic demagoguery from the people pretending to speak for him.

          • Iceblade
            2 days ago

            The nearby countries are either already doing their part, themselves being attacked by Israel either overtly or covertly, or both.

            Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar etc. etc.

            Particularly the oil rich countries can easily take in these people instead of pointing fingers at us whilst spending billions on vanity megaprojects.

            Sure, xenophobia isn’t SURPRISING at this point.

            Not xenophobia, common sense. There are eight million refugees currently displaced from Ukraine. Caring for them has to take priority over refugees from other continents.

            Pure far right propaganda bullshit.

            The irony is palpable. Here in Sweden it was a left wing government with a social democrat minister of state that finally acknowledged that we had to put an end to the open door policy for refugees.

            The vast majority of people making use of social safety nets are native born.

            …a slim majority, at least here in Sweden, and the welfare system doesn’t just magically expand because you bring in more people. Housing, infrastructure, hospitals, schools need to be built, teachers, doctors, nurses, police officers need to be educated etc. etc.

            …and unlike work immigrants, who tend to already be educated and have a productive job lined up, the MENA refugees that came during the 2010s first needed education (both language and qualifications) in order to have a chance in a job market where low-skill jobs had been eliminated. Perhaps the most horrible failure of the left wing in Sweden is how poorly these people have been integrated into the jobs market under their leadership.

            Currently (2023), some 40% of all unemployed people in Sweden are of extra-european origin (vs 10% in 2000), with ~1/4 people of African origin and ~1/5 people of Asian origin relying on unemployment subsidies (compared to 1/13 for the general population or 1/20 for natives).

            Data Source

            • @Dasus
              02 days ago

              Not xenophobia, common sense.

              Ah, a Nordic neighbour. I can recognise the “no my racism isn’t racism and I know better than you” attitude. Very prevalent here, very normal.

              • Iceblade
                11 day ago

                People with your attitude are a direct cause for segregated neighborhoods, kids as contract killers and literally explosive gang violence.

                It must be possible to have a discussion regarding what is reasonable without immediately jumping to “any criticism of immigration policy is racism!”

                • @Dasus
                  1 day ago

                  With “my attitude”? Do elaborate. What is this attitude of mine that is DIRECTLY causing children to be contract killers? I doubt that you can.

                  • Iceblade
                    01 day ago

                    Help yourself.




                    People like you, immediately shutting down any discussion regarding migration as “racism”, “far-right” or “fascism” caused politicians here in Sweden to not have a serious debate on the topic until the situation had spiraled way out of control and caused irreversible harm. The consequences are clearly visible today, including the above mentioned issues and many more. The people that were supposed to be helped have instead become the primary victims of this calamity.

                    It’s morbidly satisfying in a slow-mo train crash sort of way and simultaneously awful to have predicted what was going to happen, as well as the consequences of those events only to see it unfold eerily close to what you expected. It’s the kind of situation where you’d prefer to have been wrong, but unfortunately weren’t.

                    For myself, I hope to have finished my education and gotten reasonably far away before the ongoing consequences destroy what remains of our beloved Swedish welfare system. Even so, we need to do our best to help out the people of Ukraine.