JD Vance was roundly mocked online over a trip to the supermarket where he bemoaned the steep price of eggs — and botched the photo opp.

The Republican vice presidential nominee stopped by a supermarket in Reading, Pennsylvania, with his sons over the weekend to illustrate how grocery prices have been impacted by “Kamala Harris’s policies” when he claimed a dozen eggs cost $4.

The problem? When footage of the visit emerged, Vance was quickly called out by viewers who spotted the price tag of a dozen eggs behind him was actually $2.99.

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  • @Buffalox
    5 months ago

    Yes, eggs should be from small farms with 12 chickens max each, that should solve everything, quality control, diseases and the high prices on eggs.
    Same with everything else, factories make shitty products, you should rather order from a craftsman.

    Oh yes BTW, AFAIK the flu outbreaks started in nature, not on farms.

    The ignoratum around here is staggering.
    I never argued that we shouldn’t improve the conditions for chickens, but to argue we can have production in mostly any kind of farming today that isn’t heavily mechanized and factory like is extremely ignorant. How else do you feed 300 million people in USA or 700 million in EU efficiently?

    I’m downvoted for speaking the truth, and seemingly most people here wants to live a fantasy denying reality.
    I personally buy organic eggs, and never from cages, but even that is factories, they just have slightly better conditions.

    I know people who have their own chickens laying eggs, but even they can have diseases, so regulation for having your own has been increased a lot here (EU) lately for that too.

    You do what you want, but to claim it’s feasible to get rid of the “factories” is wishful thinking.
    We can however improve the factories, so the chicken get better conditions. And we’ve been doing that already since the 60’s.

      • @Buffalox
        -55 months ago

        You’re making a reducto ad absurdum argument by intentionally using absurd quantities and time periods that are not required to accomplish this goal.

        OK, how many chickens are required before it becomes an industrial production, and not just hobby level?
        Is it less safe to have a few hundred than a dozen? The answer is obviously yes. So the problem claimed in the post I responded to, exist with everything above hobby level production.
        So I stand by the argument as valid. And the post I responded to as naive.

    • TheTechnician27
      5 months ago
      • Unlike the similarly awful 2014 outbreak, you correctly point out that these outbreaks are originating in the wild. And keeping chickens in awful, inhumane conditions where they live in their own filth jam-packed among thousands of other chickens is basically the perfect vector for a pathogen.
      • Getting chickens out of factory farms is a good unto itself, but I doubt you’ve ever watched any footage or done any research to familiarize yourself with the sorts of horrors you pay for when you buy eggs from a factory farm. Let alone based on your callous attitude that you would actually care about those horrors.
      • Weird strawman that the two kinds of farms that exist are late stage capitalist hellholes where billions of chickens go every year to live a life of unfathomable torture… and your Aunt Betty’s backyard chicken coop where every chicken gets a wacky name and their own posts on Facebook documenting their antics.
    • Codex
      115 months ago

      My mother raises hens and a dozen birds can actually make so many eggs that our entire family has trouble using them all. A bird lays on average one egg a day, and pasture-raised eggs are so rich as to be almost unpalatable to eat directly.

      I don’t think every farm needs to have some strict limit like that, but more numerous, smaller, more localized farms would be better for everyone in almost every way. Better environmentally, more humane to the birds, people get fresher and higher quality eggs, and more people are employed. Also more limited damage from diseases, droughts, and so on.

      Our current system isnt just bad because “factories bad.” It’s bad because it’s heavily centralized and top-down controlled. This is much cheaper to operate and funnels money towards the owner much better, but is so much worse in every way that local farms are better.

      We’re making millions of birds suffer and getting shittier, more expensive product because of it so less than a dozen people (the real bad eggs) can stay filthy rich.

      • @Buffalox
        -15 months ago

        more numerous, smaller, more localized farms would be better for everyone

        Either those farmers would make a lot less money, like barely being able to make a living, or the price of their products would have to be way higher than what we pay today. Like not just a few percent, but a factors higher.

      • @Buffalox
        -25 months ago

        My mother raises hens and a dozen birds can actually make so many eggs that our entire family has trouble using them all.

        Do you really believe I don’t know that?

        pasture-raised eggs are so rich as to be almost unpalatable to eat directly.

        WTF? That’s bullshit.
        Maybe you are confusing them with eggs from free reigning ducks, which IMO taste awful. But from chicken they are really really good.

    • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
      5 months ago

      On the other hand, I can get free range eggs cheaper than your factory made ones in the most expensive parts of the EU, and our population is greater than that of the US, we are feeding more people, yet I can safely eat them raw without the risk of salmonella.

      • @Buffalox
        5 months ago

        Free range are only marginally better than cages at best.

        Sorry, I was thinking of what in English apparently is called barn eggs, which is not really better than cages.
        Free range is the best condition for chickens. And absolutely what we should buy.
        But this production has problems, like chicken pecking each other way more than “good” cage conditions, because they are kept in larger groups. And is still a factory/industry when at a scale which is needed to fill demand.

        • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
          85 months ago

          US free range and EU free range are not the same by far.

          In the US, free range poultry must:

          • have access to the outdoors for more than 51% of the animal’s life

          In the EU:

          • hens have continuous daytime access to open-air runs throughout their lives
          • the open-air runs to which hens have access are mainly covered with vegetation and not used for other purposes
          • the open-air runs must at least have 4 sqm per hen, with adequate shelter, drinking and feeding facilities

          And that’s in addition to different food safety standards that make most US poultry non-importable to the EU.

          • @Buffalox
            45 months ago

            Yes there’s a huge difference, free range are definitely better in every way, but also more expensive.
            They are also more healthy to eat, because they contain essential fatty acids that occur naturally in eggs, but is lost in cheap production with lower quality feed. Stress and lack of exercise are probably factors too.
            The more healthy eggs to eat also taste better.