• @[email protected]
    4117 hours ago

    I do wonder, hypothetically, if free Linux distros had 80% of the consumer market, would we see just as many dangerous exploits and malware as we do on Windows today? It seems to me that the consumer community is so small that it’s hard to say if it’s secure or just obscure.

    I understand in theory Linux is more secure… But are individual users really not opening themselves up to attacks, downloading foss software right and left? Using built in stores? Wine emulation?

    • @stupidcasey
      1311 hours ago

      Yes and no and yes and no

      Yes: Mo people mo problems

      No: Linux is already the world’s most popular os in the server space and no problems

      Yes: the main security risk in any computer is the user so more viruses would be made to target individuals

      No: Linux can be whatever you want it to be that means as open or closed as you want it to be and we think of it as open but every time a Linux program gets popular it has been rebranded and locked down so users can’t put viruses on it.

    • @mkwt
      3516 hours ago

      The Linux software you can get as a regular user from your typical Linux distributions is absolutely not any more secure on average than your typical Windows software.

      I say this as someone who writes application programs on both systems.

      I think it’s really debatable whether the Linux kernel is really any more secure than the Windows NT kernel. Linux advocates have pushed the “many eyes, shallow bugs” line for a long time, but high profile lapses seem to really have put the lie to that.

      • Johanno
        75 hours ago

        I think the kernel is more secure due to the philosophy of not invading users space.

        And the experience of installing software on Linux and on windows is like day and night. On windows you can install since Windows 10 via the appstore. However you don’t want to do that since most programs are in there with less features. For example vlc the windows app store app has only basic functionality and is really not worth it.

        So on windows you install some random exe from the Internet. You usually Google that and click the first link. This will send you to the fake website vlc.de for example. Then you install it and get free maleware with it. You have to watch out if the website is the correct one.

        On Linux you go apt install vlc or you Google how to install and get the command. Or you open the software manager and get the vlc app that is definitely the official one.

      • @[email protected]
        1913 hours ago

        The software itself may or may not be more secure, but acquiring software is absolutely more secure. There’s so much Windows malware people unwittingly download from the internet. Downloading from a distro’s software repository simply doesn’t have that problem.

        • fmstrat
          32 hours ago

          Also, when not using repositories it is much more common to go to the source, like GitHub releases, etc.

    • zea
      915 hours ago

      Parts of it seem to be inherently more secure, but there are some pretty glaring holes. At least software distribution is much more secure than the Windows approach.

      • Snot Flickerman
        15 hours ago

        I’d say the biggest, most glaring hole is that, much like in Windows, most users don’t really understand the file system and user and group permissions.

        Linux, as an OS, requires a lot more on the users part in understanding basic security right out of the gate.

        A lot of folks out here dropping chmod 777 all over the place just because they haven’t had any education on how any of it works.

        Source: Years ago, being a newb without knowledge or education, dropping chmod 777 all over the place

      • Possibly linux
        415 hours ago

        It has the ability to lock things down a lot more. Also, it doesn’t necessarily have a big attack surface

    • @[email protected]
      816 hours ago

      I mean we just got the info on the cups one where you execute arbitrary code by trying to print

    • Snot Flickerman
      16 hours ago

      I think it’s rather corporate targets get bigger results than individuals.

      Hacking an individual is good if you need a zombie for a botnet.

      Hacking a hospital and hitting them with ransomware? Hospitals got some damn money. Regular people do not.

      Further, while users might be installing FOSS left-right-and-center, unlike corporations who are installing FOSS, most of what the average user installs doesn’t need secure networking and access control rules behind it. Most corporations use a variety of different FOSS all together in one package, and most of them are internet and network oriented, to function at scale, and as such, they have way more easy ways to get in and have way more valuable assets.

      I think, even if it had major market share, that most attacks go after big entities these days because the risk just isn’t worth it with small potato people like me who are broke, comparatively.