• @Eldritch
      288 hours ago

      Realistically they don’t exist. But it messes with their narrative. They need to feel Superior. So they need to feel that the people who disagree with them must worship her or Trump. Because it certainly couldn’t be that they have bad takes. Or thay people have reasonable things to disagree with them on. They know in their own minds that they are absolutely 100% correct. And if you disagree with them. It doesn’t mean that you have anything about to say or a point. It just means to them that you are wrong.

    • @return2ozmaOP
      -217 hours ago

      Have you ever encountered the KHive?

      • @NegativeInf
        287 hours ago

        Saying she’s a better choice than Joe or Trump is not idolizing. Take it from me, a coconut pilled internet brained phone banker.

      • @Psychodelic
        67 hours ago

        Tbf, some people can have fun and this point that might look like pretending you’re as crazy for her as can be

        If I were asked, depending on the context I’d either say I’m coco for coconuts or fuck the DNC. It’s like a only we can talk shit thing because ideally we want them to improve (context: two-party system)

      • @[email protected]
        -307 hours ago

        Exactly. Or complain about her at all anywhere, or say you wouldn’t vote for her or trump because of their support for genocide. You’ll have a ton of people jumping down your throat about how not voting for her is a vote for Trump and all this nonsense.

        • @FrankFrankson
          6 hours ago

          Yeah I mean all you do is make a equivalence between the two and say they are both bad so don’t vote for either and people think you are a fucking moron for thinking that. What gives? So what if the train is going to run over 1 person or 1000 people both are bad so either will do. Have to choose between the flu or AIDS and if you don’t choose you get AIDS? Both are bad so just take the AIDS. It’s simple logic and people have the audaciry to think you are a fucking idiot for thinking it. Fuck them man you got this! I believe in you! Now go get you some AIDS!

            • @[email protected]
              135 hours ago

              I’m sure the affected peoples will thank you for taking a hard stance by checks notes not doing anything.

              • @[email protected]
                -95 hours ago

                Well if you can vote to support the murder of children en mass then great for you man. I can’t.

                • @[email protected]
                  114 hours ago

                  Well I was going to write about how not participating doesnt automatically absolve you of the responsibility of your actions, but according to another one of your comments you don’t even live in America. So kindly, take your opinions and keep them to yourself while those who do live in the place we are having a conversation about try to make something of the terrible situation we are in.

        • IHeartBadCode
          106 hours ago

          You’ll have a ton of people jumping down your throat about how not voting for her is a vote for Trump and all this nonsense

          I’m just going to add here, that when I’m indicating this kind of thing what I’m hoping for folks to get out of it is how broken our first past the pole system is.

          Because of that system, yeah, 3rd party candidates are tossing your vote away, that’s how the system is created. I didn’t make it, that’s just how it works. It’s also why the hard nationalist group usurped the party of small government. There’s a realization that a realistic third party isn’t possible, especially with how hard the two majority parties prevent 3rd parties from having an equal seat at the table going into elections. So the smarter groups have realized that if you can’t effectively make a 3rd party, just take over an already existing one. You can also see that with socialist and the Democrats intermixing. We keep excusing it by indicating “shades” of a color, like deep blue Democrats, etc.

          There’s layers to the “voting 3rd party is tossing you vote away”. You aren’t at fault here for a desire to vote 3rd party, but if the only thing you take away when someone tells you that is “you’re worthless for tossing your vote in the trash” you’re kind of missing the point.

          Our system is built a particular way and it’s wrong to pretend it isn’t. That 3rd parties are viable choices or actual reflections of non-mainstream political agenda, they aren’t and our tectonic sized two parties are mostly the reason for that. I’m not going to tell you to vote for whoever, all I ask for anyone is to see the problem and know voting 3rd party isn’t, strictly, going to fix it. If we look at the US State of Maine, you can see, that there is actual change and that we can have it if we demand it, no need for hard bordered in 3rd parties to enact it.

          I’m not angry at anyone who says they are voting 3rd party, you do you is my biggest jam. But we’ve got to see the problem before we can address the problem, and then we need to effectively address the problem. Which means, yeah, we are wholly reliant on something that sounds impossible. For one of the two parties to get into power and then vote to make changes that could potentially dilute their power. I know that’s asking for a big leap of faith there, it is possible. But it isn’t possible if we’re just sticking our heads into the sand.

          • @[email protected]
            -146 hours ago

            The problem is you guys have been saying this same shit for decades, and things have just gotten worse for it.

            • @acosmichippo
              73 hours ago

              thanks for your constructive feedback, we’ll get right on it this time.

        • @Plastic_Ramses
          116 hours ago

          Just because you cant process the externalities of your decisions doesnt mean other people wont.

          • @[email protected]
            -176 hours ago

            Oh fuck off, I’m not even American. I’m not voting in your stupid countries election. Y’all see this shit? See what I mean?