• @11111one11111
    07 hours ago

    Dude did you watch the play? Or even the game? If you don’t believe me listen to the commentators who professionally watch every play of every game they ever announced and it was them that commented how scary it is that he is getting such severe concussions from such low risk hits. There was no flag. You are the first person to even express your opinion that it should be a flag. Damar was standing way too upright when he made contact with Tua. The same fuckin way he was positioned in the tackle that had him receiving CPR compressions for what felt like hours. Tua at the point of contact was horizontal to the ground making contact with Damar’s center of his chest and Tua’s neck folded. There was no helmet to helmet, knee or kick to the helmet, not even hard contact made hitting the ground. A professional athlete playing a contact sport is being crippled by routine structured hits and he should not continue playing. (look up the difference between structured and unstructured collisions if you don’t agree with that assesment)

    • @[email protected]
      17 hours ago

      Yes. He very obviously speared the defender in the chest.

      Commentators don’t understand football, let alone head trauma or physics. There is no “too upright”.

      Helmet to helmet isn’t cause of head trauma. If you throw yourself full speed head first into just about anything, you’re risking serious injury. Having your head horizontal to the ground is always extremely dangerous. You need to always have your head up.