Forty-four men have succeeded Washington so far. Some became titans; others finished their terms without distinction; a few ended their service to the nation in ignominy. But each of them knew that the day would come when it would be their duty and honor to return the presidency to the people.

All but one, that is.

  • IninewCrow
    264 months ago

    The dumb part is that the country is even dealing with this … all the education, all the knowledge, all the power, all the history, all the money, all the financing, all the control, all the people … just to lead up to a moment when they all had to decide on whether or not they wanted the dumbest politician they knew to lead them … and they had to even debate it with themselves first.

    • FenrirIII
      64 months ago

      You’d think Republicans trying to take away porn would have woken more people up.

      • themadcodger
        44 months ago

        “Well, they won’t take away my porn, just all that freaky stuff.”