Forty-four men have succeeded Washington so far. Some became titans; others finished their terms without distinction; a few ended their service to the nation in ignominy. But each of them knew that the day would come when it would be their duty and honor to return the presidency to the people.

All but one, that is.

  • @[email protected]
    42 hours ago

    That he’s allowed to run pretty much did it for me. I’ve little faith in America to recover from this embarrassment. But I’m here for it.

  • @[email protected]
    7413 hours ago

    the fact that trump happened in the first place, that the GOP stole the supreme court, that NO ONE is doing anything about the blatant broad daylight corruption of the supreme court, that election boards are allowed to be overtaken by blatantly partisan GOP operatives–it all shows how fragile this country always was, held together by some nebulous nowhere-defined “honor system”

    which trump threw out the window forever

    even if trump loses this november, some other bloviating GOP gasbag will take his place, and it’s going to be the same story every election, until there are no more elections. this has been in the works for many years

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      21 hour ago

      All of civilization ultimately relies on the honors system, and nobody’s ever been able to change it.

    • @Zeshade
      34 hours ago

      I always saw him like an anomaly, an unexpected improbable blip in history that may have an effect over decades but the disruptions it brought will go away… eventually.

      When he came into power I immediately thought of something in the Foundation series (I try to avoid spoiling it because even if the books have been around for some time people are discovering it through the Apple TV series).

      So yeah it’ll get better but perhaps not in our lifetime…

    • Blackbeard
      2513 hours ago

      Gods I hate that I agree with you. I had no idea how thin the threads were that held this republic together, or how readily my fellow citizens would throw the entire American experiment away just for the sake of spite. Trump is the first despot, but he certainly won’t be the last.

      • @[email protected]
        1711 hours ago

        how readily my fellow citizens would throw

        1. deliberately enshittify the lives of the have-nots, through wage inequality, castrating education, and yes, nonstop propaganda convincing the masses to vote against their own best interests because jeeeeeeeezuzzz

        2. proceed to blame everyone’s ensuing shitty life on mexicans, gays, women, black people, and anyone who didn’t vote R for any reason

        3. repeat until plutocracy

        4. repeat until dictator

    • @kinsnik
      912 hours ago

      how fragile this country always was

      i don’t think that the system and country was that fragile, it did required decades of propaganda from the far right to get to the point it is now

      • @[email protected]
        1012 hours ago

        decades of propaganda from the far right to get to the point it is now

        thanks, once again, to the boomers

    • @[email protected]OP
      1013 hours ago

      The problem with the Supreme Court is that you need the Senate to be on board with any kind of action. Two approaches:

      • Add additional justices to make the Republicans there a minority. None of the Republicans is willing to vote for this, and nor are Manchin and Sinema, which would leave no more than 49/100 votes in favor of adding new ones. So you can’t do it
      • Remove the crooks. This requires 67/100 votes. None of the Republicans is willing to vote for this, so you can’t do it.

      Making something meaningful happen here requires actually electing enough Democrats to the Senate to act.

    • @abigscaryhobo
      19 hours ago

      This is why people need to get out and vote. Nearly every election where Dems had over 60% turnout they have won. Reps never have changes in turnout and I think they have around 65-70% usually? All people need to do is get out and vote and these people lose their edge

      • @SeriousMite
        49 hours ago

        Even if it is impossible with the current math, it’d be nice to hear some politicians loudly calling for expanding the court or impeachment. Seems to me if we want to get a strong majority, we need some leadership that actually promises some things people really want. Aside from AOC, nobody seems to want to talk about real ways to fix the court. They seem to be content to just ride it out and hope at some vague point it gets better.

      • @[email protected]
        39 hours ago

        and this is why the GOP has been working nonstop for over 10 years to undermine public confidence in the vote

        if harris wins: it was rigged
        if harris wins by a landslide: it was definitely rigged
        if trump wins: it was still rigged but that just shows how godemperor trump is jesus 2.0

  • IninewCrow
    2113 hours ago

    The dumb part is that the country is even dealing with this … all the education, all the knowledge, all the power, all the history, all the money, all the financing, all the control, all the people … just to lead up to a moment when they all had to decide on whether or not they wanted the dumbest politician they knew to lead them … and they had to even debate it with themselves first.

    • FenrirIII
      49 hours ago

      You’d think Republicans trying to take away porn would have woken more people up.

      • themadcodger
        36 hours ago

        “Well, they won’t take away my porn, just all that freaky stuff.”

  • @[email protected]
    -3113 hours ago

    Oh good, let’s shame people who aren’t enthusiastic about either candidate rather than putting forward candidates who can at least say they support what the majority of Americans do.

    • Blackbeard
      2012 hours ago

      “I didn’t read the article!”


      • @fluxion
        1311 hours ago

        An extremely well-written article at that. These accounts of Washington were beautiful and brought tears of admiration to my eyes, hundreds of years later.

        The first American citizens must have absolutely worshipped him, but still he conducted himself as an equal citizen and began the tradition of peaceful transfer of power to the newly-elected.

        Seeing that ruined by Trump awakens new levels of contempt for him that I didn’t think possible.

    • Convict45
      1411 hours ago

      This attitude mystifies me. When you’re swimming in shark infested waters, do you worry that the only viable boat around isn’t aimed exactly at the vacation destination you dream of?

      Or are you unable to tell a rowboat from a man-eating shark?

      • @[email protected]
        -1710 hours ago

        Name one fucking thing that the Harris campaign is offering that isn’t conservative policy from a decade or less ago or fearmongering about “orange man bad.”

        Ending support of Israel’s genocidal campaign? Nope.

        Universal healthcare? Nope.

        A green new deal, or at least serious action on climate change? Think again.

        National legalization of abortion and other reproductive rights and care? Keep dreaming.

        Any meaningful action against a flagrantly corrupt Supreme Court? Absolutely not.

        We have a retread of trump’s border policy and assurances that she cares. Same watered down shit we’ve gotten from the democrats since Reagan made them scared of their own shadows, and terrified of being called “liberal.”

        • Convict45
          32 hours ago

          I see. So you can’t tell the difference between a shark and a boat.