Wouldn’t you know it, I’ve been messing with the current release candidate for FreeCAD lately. Just now, I used it to make this.

I got annoyed at having to search through all these multipacks of files to find a Gridfinity bin in the size I want. So I decided the hell with it, and made a parametric configurable FreeCAD model that creates bins or you, in any size (within reason) and also with a configurable number of fixed dividers in the bargain.

My main intent was, of course, to use these to organize oodles and oodles of pocketknives. You’ll never be able to guess why. But if you have a use for it, knock yourself out.

  • @SpaceNoodle
    61 day ago

    OpenSCAD just clicked for me when I realized it was basically just a bit of code tying together mathematical operations. FreeCAD is completely inscrutable to me.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      But openscad doesn’t do sensible fillets or chamfers, so it’s almost useless for most real parts. Trivial in freecad (unless your part is wonky enough that it becomes impossible to calculate).

    • @[email protected]
      29 hours ago

      I wish I could wrap my head around either. I haven’t even followed a tutorial and I have been able to produce functional replacement parts and mods to various things at work using onshape or f360 but I would much rather not use those if I could use anything else nearly as quickly.