• @[email protected]
    010 hours ago

    Never say nothing will ever convince you (I don’t want any child either by the way), let my try:

    Imagine the following hypothetical, in a few decades, medical science solves ageing, fast forward a few hundred years in the future, you still have no child, you meet an amazing person about as old as you, also never had any child, you fall madly in love with each other, you live a few amazing decades together, and they start to say they’d like to try the experience of raising a child, It will only takes two or three decades before they are independent, a very small time relative to the infinite life ahead of you. Do you think you would say no with 100% confidence?

    I don’t want any child and I don’t think I will ever want one, but I know my opinion might change one day for reasons beyond my current understanding.

    • @wreckedcarzz
      6 hours ago

      Plot twist: it’s their (child’s) 260th birthday and they still won’t move out of the fucking house

      Luckily I don’t have to be concerned about this hypothetical situation, as I have The Gay™️. I’ll be sipping on my margarita, amused while the family that wanted to ‘try having a child’ is in tears as their 260 year old child throws their hotel mattress from the 6th floor balcony.


    • @PunnyName
      6 hours ago


      Also, I have stupid brain issues and there’s no fucking way I’m living that long. I’d rather shoot myself.

    • @[email protected]
      8 hours ago

      I counter the hypothetical with an actual reality!

      The current rate of resource consumption by the human race guarantees complete and total collapse of anything resembling todays human society within the next 50 years, followed by a near extinction level population crash.

      The surviving societies would then have no way left to re-enter the industrial age, as all easily accessible natural resources were mined out long ago, and they would lack the technology needed to access deeper veins/wells/etc.

      This is not hypothetical, this is actually going to happen and humanity has said “we don’t give a shit”. This is not doomerism, this is proven scientific fact.

      Climate scientists have been screaming and shouting about this for decades trying to get anyone to listen. We are way way way too late to stop it now.

      Might as well enjoy some bluefin tuna before they go extinct too.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        Totally agree that this is one of the most likely scenario, but I wouldn’t say it is going to happen with 100% confidence. We need to act accordingly, and trying to prevent it, but there is still a slim possibility that we manage to fix it.

      • @GrammarPolice
        07 hours ago

        Yup, as someone who wants kids, the inevitability that is climate change is making me heavily reconsider the idea