• @jordanlundOPM
    20722 hours ago



    "Notably, Trump did not wear a hairnet or gloves while serving food, claiming that “my hands are clean already.” This assertion stands in stark contrast to health standards that require food handlers to maintain strict hygiene protocols.

    In fact, the McDonald’s location Trump visited has a recent history of health code violations, having failed its last health inspection from Bucks County. The report cited multiple infractions related to employee hygiene, particularly the lack of proper handwashing practices, which are essential for minimizing the risk of foodborne illness."

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      3115 hours ago

      “my hands are clean already”

      As someone who ran a restaurant kitchen for 5 years, this is called a lack of standards. Oh I forgot gloves? Meh. That’s a slippery slide that shows you don’t actually care or have standards, and you throw rules by the side when it suits you. That a sign of a shit worker.

      • Flying Squid
        13 hours ago

        This is called “someone who doesn’t wash when they go to the bathroom because they say their hands are clean already.” That’s what this is called.

    • @EmpathicVagrant
      12222 hours ago

      I love how he mocked Harris saying she never worked there or whatever and then does a publicity stunt but can’t even follow the most basic rules of the job. Someone actually working that position would be terminated for health code violation.

        • @jaybone
          1518 hours ago

          Wasn’t one excuse he gives for eating at McDonalds is because he knows he won’t be poisoned? Like when he was in the White House, with a fancy ass kitchen staff full of top chefs he’d still rather get McDonald’s.

          • @cheese_greater
            617 hours ago

            Its 100% this, altho I can’t tell if he’s more worried about the Russians or some rando he fucked over already

            • @linearchaos
              615 hours ago

              I think I would trust White House staff before I would trust McDonald’s staff. I’m sure whatever McDonald’s they were ordering from was having their employees vetted anyway.

              To think of it if a person was really into McDonald’s that deeply they could just send fresh ingredients every week.

              • @captainlezbian
                24 hours ago

                Yeah we went a civil war, two world wars, and a Cold War alongside many other conflicts and 4 successful and a ton of unsuccessful assassination attempts on presidents yet to my knowledge no attempted assassinations of a US president have been via White House food

            • @barsquid
              115 hours ago

              What Russians has he even fucked over?

    • @Etterra
      3020 hours ago

      I can’t wait until they’re on the news next year because they were shut down because every business Trump touches turns to shit. Like the King Midas of poop. King Poodass.

      • teft
        914 hours ago

        King mierdas. Mierda is spanish for shit.

    • @[email protected]
      615 hours ago

      I’m kind of a germaphobe and am big on washing hands, but if I were a mcdonalds employee, there’s just no way I’d have gloves on to put out the hamburger patties then take the gloves off, and wash my hands, then put another set of gloves on to do other food prep stuff.

      I’m not washing my hands between every glove swap. You don and doff your gloves correctly there’s no reason to.

      • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
        514 hours ago

        Yeah I’ve watched some of those mcdonald’s shift videos and I cringe at the amount of gloves constantly being used for 3 seconds then thrown away

        • @[email protected]
          413 hours ago

          If you’re changing to something that needs a glove change that often, than you’re probably screwing up somewhere. You take money or wipe off counters or handle raw meat, you need to change gloves.

          But washing your hands after you take off gloves, before putting another pair of gloves on?

    • @Ensign_Crab
      2021 hours ago

      Looks like we have photographic evidence of more health code violations. Who do we contact?

      • @[email protected]
        1420 hours ago

        The restaurant is closed, so as long as they claim they threw away everything he touched they should be fine.

        • @jaybone
          2418 hours ago

          The health inspector has declared anything that is an official act no longer violates the laws of microbiology.