Jack Sweeney, who gained notoriety for his @ElonJet account on X and maintained many of the suspended accounts, said on Threads that the development is “reminiscent of all my accounts getting suspended on Twitter.” The shuttered accounts, which used publicly available data to show the flight paths of private jets, initially displayed a message on Monday that read, “The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.”
Meta provided no direct warning or explanation for the suspensions, according to Sweeney, who says the accounts appear “blacked out with no options to interact or receive information.” In a statement to TechCrunch, however, an unnamed Meta spokesperson said “Given the risk of physical harm to individuals, and in keeping with the independent Oversight Board’s recommendation, we’ve disabled these accounts for violating our privacy policy.”
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A few are on Mastodon! https://grndcntrl.net/links/#ElonJet
why are you purple?
I make ur app
Thank you for that
Thanks for making a great app purple man
As a software dev, you are my hero!
Prolly my new fav dev of all time after this gem Cheers all! I fucking looove Voyager btw
Just curious – which app is that? Seemingly not Eternity, as I’m using that, and you do not appear purple in here, but I’m always interested in exploring alternatives to the apps I’m using.
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Voyager AKA WefWef AKA The Best™️
Voyager rocks! 👑
omg Toad, you can’t just ask people why they’re purple!
Except it can would and does. Lots of instances with overzealous owners/moderators that defederate or remove anything they don’t like
Is it possible to migrate one’s account to a new Mastodon server, while keeping the followers one had in the old server?