• @[email protected]
    -467 hours ago

    Hmmm…sounds a lot like vote buying.

    I would love to see the Trump campaign vow to quadruple the minimum wage just to watch people on this site do their mental gymnastics to convince themselves that Trump doesn’t have the power to do so, but Harris does.

    • @breakingcups
      206 hours ago

      There it is, ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest take off the day.

      Even before Trump became the blubbering mess he is today, we’ve had 4 years of seeing him welch on every promise he’s ever made. Why should anyone believe his campaign promises now?

      Why, just a few days he vowed to use the United States military against citizens he doesn’t like, such as Nancy Pelosi, which is patently illegal and gross. Imagine if Obama, Biden or Harris had said that at any point, you’d be up in arms!

      You’ve let his propaganda convince you that he’s on your team, so now you have to win no matter what, even if his policies are directly against your interests and freedoms as a human.

    • @Wilzax
      57 hours ago

      I would also love to see that!

      Please Donald Trump, vow to quadruple the minimum wage! I promise it will cause doublethink among the libs and help your campaign!!

      • @AbidanYre
        24 minutes ago

        You seem to be under the impression that people hate Trump for being trump and not because he has dogshit policies and ideas.

        If he did good things, like raising the minimum wage, liberals wouldn’t hate him. But he also wouldn’t have the rabid base of morons that he currently has.