• Tarquinn2049
    133 hours ago

    Wait, doubling it -to- 15 dollars an hour? Holy shit, I knew it was bad, but that is insane. Ours is already starting to feel too low at 17.40 here in Canada, granted that is about the equivalent of around $12.50 USD. So it’s lower than what she is proposing, maybe if she manages it, we’ll be able to get ours up.

    • @[email protected]
      251 minutes ago

      It varies by province and at the federal level in Canada, 17.40 is for BC specifically, Alberta and Saskatchewan are the lowest at 15, Nunavut is the highest at 19 and it’s 17.30 for jobs under federal jurisdiction.

  • @[email protected]
    375 hours ago

    And note that her wording was “at least $15”, so she’s signaling openness to doing more than that

    • @grue
      184 hours ago

      Good, because “fight for $15” has been going on so long that the real number to regain parity with what minimum wage used to be is a lot higher than that by now.

  • @Yes_Man
    174 hours ago

    I’ll believe it when I see it. Seems every candidate has promised this for as long as I’ve been following American politics and no one actually manages it.

    • Pyflixia
      43 hours ago

      She’s yet to pull out “I will lower taxes!” card that’s been over-promised. “I will lower inflation rates!” card that’s been over-promised.

      So many empty promises from any politician that has ever said those.

    • @anticolonialist
      04 hours ago

      They’ll blame someone other than their ineptitude in governing

  • JaggedRobotPubes
    144 hours ago


    My minded automatically corrected that as “doubling from 15 to 30”. Because that’s what it needs to be, at least.

      • @NegativeInf
        164 hours ago

        Because we’ve been arguing it should be at least 15 for 10 years, and inflation is a bitch and if federal minimum wage had tracked with inflation since the last time it was bumped, it would be closer to 30 bucks an hour than to 15.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          83 hours ago

          And it should be all at once. The instant it’s passed, $30/hr. None of us got eased into it when gas prices and grocery prices and rent and health insurance went up.

        • @[email protected]
          -53 hours ago

          I understand your sentiment, but if that’s your policy basis, you’d be asking for $10 /he instead of $15.

          Not necessarily a bad idea, I just wanted to know how that number was generated, because without that data, it’s not necessarily a good idea either.

  • Pyflixia
    23 hours ago

    You’re about 5 - 10 years behind, maybe longer, Harris.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      115 minutes ago

      And they’ll STILL walk it back the moment some unelected clerk with only ceremonial authority objects. If not before THAT even happens.

      They always start negotiations at “nowhere near good enough” and make tons of concessions to Republicans from there.

      Even the GOP becoming a literal fascist party that never negotiates in good faith hasn’t changed their toxic inadequacy and insistence on bipartisanship being the highest political virtue possible.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    33 hours ago

    Heard this before. Democrats will encounter one tiny setback and give up until the next election cycle.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    34 hours ago

    Two words: Arms embargo.

    Other than that, ask the Cheney’s for some more advise on how to campaign.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      13 hours ago

      Did you post this in the wrong thread, or did lemmy do the thing where you post in one thread and it winds up in another?

      And yes, there needs to be an arms embargo. Unless the intended thread was about Ukraine. Ukraine needs the support we’re wasting on Netanyahu.

      • @Cornelius_Wangenheim
        029 minutes ago

        The Russian trolls seem to be doing overtime now that the election is getting close.

  • @anticolonialist
    -54 hours ago

    How out of touch do you need to be to offer something lower than Walmart’s starting wage? And how many times have we heard this lie?

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      The headline is a little misleading, she said “at least $15” not that she wants it necessarily at exactly $15/hr and no more

  • @[email protected]
    -385 hours ago

    Hmmm…sounds a lot like vote buying.

    I would love to see the Trump campaign vow to quadruple the minimum wage just to watch people on this site do their mental gymnastics to convince themselves that Trump doesn’t have the power to do so, but Harris does.

    • @breakingcups
      114 hours ago

      There it is, ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest take off the day.

      Even before Trump became the blubbering mess he is today, we’ve had 4 years of seeing him welch on every promise he’s ever made. Why should anyone believe his campaign promises now?

      Why, just a few days he vowed to use the United States military against citizens he doesn’t like, such as Nancy Pelosi, which is patently illegal and gross. Imagine if Obama, Biden or Harris had said that at any point, you’d be up in arms!

      You’ve let his propaganda convince you that he’s on your team, so now you have to win no matter what, even if his policies are directly against your interests and freedoms as a human.

    • @Wilzax
      34 hours ago

      I would also love to see that!

      Please Donald Trump, vow to quadruple the minimum wage! I promise it will cause doublethink among the libs and help your campaign!!