• Queen HawlSera
    26 hours ago

    As a transwoman, I’m VERY familiar with concern trolling. Used to see “trans allies” everywhere on Reddit back in the day pulling up with the

    “I dunno, I support transpepole, but maybe see a therapist instead of getting on all those hormones?” (Who the hell did they think was prescribing the hormones?)

    “I’m all for you being gay, but doncha think you’re taking it a bit too far?” (Lesbian Transpeople exist and they knew that)

    “Don’t you think you’re being a bit dismissive of real, oh sorry, I mean biological women? You’re moving a bit too fast!” (TERFs still use this one… though they don’t pretend they’re “totally allies” though)

    I heard it all, many MANY times…

    • @stoly
      35 hours ago

      That actually taught me a lesson. I started to recognize a pattern and see how people would apparently search for terms to brigade. Other ones that will bring out the trolls are conversations about rent control and Zionism. Basically if you make a random and insubstantial comment and a whole lot of people jump on you over it, then I tend to wonder what they are after.

    • @[email protected]
      04 hours ago

      “I’m all for you being gay, but doncha think you’re taking it a bit too far?”.

      I’m cracking up, that’s hilarious. I hope you asked them the same thing about being straight lol