Vote for the change you want to see.

The Republican party got remade because trumpists showed up and outvoted the party elites. No reason it can’t happen for the Left except for laziness and apathy.

If all the progressives furious about the state of affairs now had shown up for Sanders in 2016, I doubt we’d be in this hellish timeline. Sadly, he needed the young progressive vote to show up.

  • FuglyDuck
    4 months ago

    Do you understand how superdelegates work? they’re not assigned by vote.

    As well, the Bernie campaign was blocked from accessing the voter rolls because they reported a bug to the DNC that allowed them to view stuff the clinton campaign was doing. They did not exploit it, they just reported it.

    Also, did you read that hacked/leaked memo where the DNC chair admitted to intentionally sabotaging Bernie’s campaign? no one has ever contested the contents of that memo. in fact the DNC chair resigned over it. (and you’re an idiot if you think Hilary wasn’t pressuring the DNC chair to do just that. Hilary always has someone else to throw under her campaign bus.)

    • Prehensile_cloaca
      224 months ago

      Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. And then she went and hid under Hillary’s skirts, like she was an enabled naughty child, rather than a malicious, feckless adult woman.

    • @njm1314
      -14 months ago

      You do realize the super delegates never came into play right? I mean I’m sure they would have if they needed them to but it never got that far.

      • FuglyDuck
        204 months ago

        They were actively endorsing Hilary.

        Yes, they came into play, even if they didn’t yet cast their vote.

        • @njm1314
          -84 months ago

          That’s their right as americans. Anyone can endorse anyone they want. That’s called freedom of speech.

          I don’t see how that would have any effect on anything however though. Or how it’s in any way untoward. If you’re suggesting that one of these super delegates supposed endorsement of Hillary Clinton pushed leftists to vote for her though I’d love to see how you justify that argument.

          • FuglyDuck
            134 months ago

            That’s their right as americans. Anyone can endorse anyone they want. That’s called freedom of speech.

            As a private person, yes. As a representative of the DNC… only if the DNC allows you to. Same as how you’re not allowed to say “[I am an X for Y employer] and we support Mickey Mouse for President” without consequence (probably getting fired, unless you’re specifically authorized to announce it,).

            As for how it affects primaries, you remember all the backlash people got for saying Biden was a bad candidate? All the calls for “party loyalty”? Same thing. That’s how it affects things.

            • @njm1314
              -14 months ago

              Delegates are in no way employed by a party. The entire point of delegates is to endorse a candidate. So these hypothetical super delegates and their supposed endorsement in no way is equal to a direct employee of the party endorsing a candidate.

              That’s how what affects things? You’re saying that leftist didn’t vote for Bernie Sanders because liberals said that would be bad for the party? Well they’re pretty shitty leftists then aren’t they? Why is it so God damn easy for leftists not to vote? I mean the wind changes and suddenly they decide that voting is pointless. I have trouble believing you actually believe this. I have trouble believing any at leftist is so easily cowed as to not vote for their best interest because a capitalist says they shouldn’t.

      • @[email protected]
        04 months ago

        I watched the DNC do everything they could to throw the election to the worst candidate they have ever run, simply because their donors didn’t want to give everyone health care.

        That election turned an entire generation into people who don’t bother voting because nothing will ever change.

        We didn’t even fucking GET a primary this time. How can I vote in a primary that doesn’t even really exist? The Democrats end up with the candidate they want one way or another.

        • nictophilia
          24 months ago

          The stupid ass Russian propaganda that you people swallowed afterwards turned you into a generation of non voters.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Oh please. The russians had nothing to do with Hillary fucking over Bernie. That was all her.

            But keep assuming that you can blame the democrats failings on Russia. If trump wasn’t running the dems would lose this election because they lost so many votes.

            Look at them running to dick fucking cheney and his goon daughter instead of the Muslim vote that can actually win them a swing state.

            You gonna say that the Muslims in Michigan are falling for Russian propaganda about a genocide too?

    • @LauchsOP
      -154 months ago

      Maybe you don’t?

      Sanders didn’t win a majority of the votes so whether the super delegates would’ve over-ridden the votes is fairly irrelevant.

      You can argue it wasn’t a completely balanced playing field but there was nothing stopping us from winning the votes except for our refusal to show up rather than bitch online.

      • FuglyDuck
        324 months ago

        Iowa was a hair thin win for clinton, New Hampshire was an overwhelming win for Bernie.

        And that’s when they the DNC started fucking with the Bernie campaign. The superdelegates piling in was making it further impossible for Bernie to win.

        The DNC should just stop pretending it actually cares what it’s base thinks. it’s not like they’re legally obligated to run a primary anyway.

        Also. you do know that candidates in the primary rely on equal access to the voter rolls precisely to reach potential voters and turn out the vote, right? that database was what they DNC cut Bernie off of.

        what makes you think I didn’t vote for Bernie?

        “it wasn’t a level playing field, but you could have still won!” is such a bitchdick move, it’s hilarious. we will never know what Bernie could have done had they not interfered in the primary. Similarly we won’t know just how far the DNC would have gone to prevent a Bernie win.

        they did enough to break Bernie’s momentum and then Hilary fucking lost the main election. in part because she was an arrogant fool and ignored Michigan.

        people like you. You’re the people that practically gave trump the win on a silver platter.

        • @LauchsOP
          -144 months ago

          The superdelegates weren’t bound to Clinton. If Sanders had kept winning the vote they’d be hard pressed to over-ride the people.

          I’m not saying you didn’t vote for Bernie, I’m saying not enough people did. This blaming superdelegates is nonsense. Democracy is dificult, people die just to make a protest vote but somehow the fact that Clinton had a lead in uncommitted delegates is too much of a burden? Give me a break. If you want a revolution but can’t actually get the majority of leftist voters to the polls, well, that’s on us.

      • missingno
        164 months ago

        Are you acknowledging that there was indeed foul play, just to then handwave it away and say no one should object to said foul play because we lost?

        • @LauchsOP
          -64 months ago

          Nope. Maybe re-read the sentence carefully:

          The superdelegates weren’t bound to Clinton. If Sanders had kept winning the vote they’d be hard pressed to over-ride the people.

          At the end of the day, Sanders had 43% of the vote compared to Clinton’s 55%. That doesn’t involve super delegates, that’s just not enough progressives showed up to win. Pretty simple stuff.

          Like, I love the folks claiming we need a revolution etc are also stymied by the need to get the majority of Left leaning Americans to agree with them.

      • @rishado
        134 months ago

        People like you are the reason Democrats can’t unite fyi, reducing problems of people who did exactly what you’re saying and got shat on once again

        • @LauchsOP
          54 months ago

          Yup. Young votes don’t show up to the general or primaries at anywhere near the same rate as boomers. And sadly, democracy caters more to those who vote.