• Woke ideology is a social and philosophical movement that prioritizes identity politics, cultural Marxism, and social constructivism.

      It emphasises:

      • The importance of group identity over individual identity
      • The existence of systemic oppression and power imbalances
      • The need to challenge and dismantle these systems


      • Language policing
      • Cancel culture
      • Moral absolutism
      • Compliance and conformity

      This then meads to:

      • Intellectual suppression
      • Censorship
      • Social conformity
      • Divisiveness
      • @[email protected]
        204 months ago

        You can apply all of this to the Trump conservative movement, except that systemic oppression and power imbalances are treated as natural, and thus (at best) not something we need to be concerned about.

          • @[email protected]
            74 months ago

            I mean, Trump conservatism is clearly influenced and informed by post-modernist philosophy. Social constructivism is there in spades. Identity politics predate all of this and have been used by both sides extensively over time. Cultural Marxism… I’m not even sure what it is - sort of an amalgam of critical theory and (((them)))? Okay, you got me on that one.

        • @TrickDacy
          64 months ago

          Hey it’s uh like when you grow a beard that seems like Marx would like it.

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            I’m pretty sure if Marx had met hipsters then the fucker would’ve been clean shaven pretty quickly.

            • @TrickDacy
              14 months ago

              I’m sure he’d be pissed about most things that go on today. I was just looking for something that “cultural Marxism” could possibly mean.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                I’d love Karl’s view on Putin/Russia right now… You’re right trying to find a meaning for that nonsense phrase. I remember doing a web search when I first read it - maybe it meant something. Beyond the reference sites it was all US right wing publications using the term. If only one section of one society is using a phrase that should tell you something about the phrase.

          • @[email protected]
            94 months ago

            Imagine I was hungry and you kindly served up a platter of exotic and mysterious food but right in the middle of it there was a festering lump of rotten meat… suddenly I wouldn’t be so hungry. That’s how I feel whenever I encounter that term. There’s no great bogeyman controlling things - it’s just that humanity is slowly moving away from its obsession with invisible sky men telling everyone how to live.

              • @[email protected]
                04 months ago

                I’m more than happy to ponder the “sociopolitical concept” of an ongoing culture war that may (or may not) be taking place in western civilisation. The term “Cultural Marxism” is, in and of itself, at best, a conspiracy theory dressed in its Sunday best. I’m sorry the food analogy was lost on you. I was trying to say that those two words turned me off everything else you were saying. The sky man crowd are generally the largest contingent against the “culturally Marxist” shift in society so I thought I’d give them a shout out, for their troubles.

                  • @[email protected]
                    14 months ago

                    CM is the personification of a supposed organised movement aiming to eradicate the traditional Bible-based societal norms of modern Western European culture. Many people implicitly, and some explicitly, implicate “the Jews” as being behind it. Whilst modern (western) society is undoubtedly undergoing seismic reshaping in its very fabric the idea that people in the shadows are behind it is all a bit fairy tale to me. It discounts the possibility that it is society, collectively, evolving on a social level; organically. The Renaissance partly happened because of the invention of printing. Could not a second Renaissance be happening in the age of the internet - hence the binary positions adopted by so many people? Two incompatible positions striving for control. Interestingly this is where Marx could come in and give us a dialectical breakdown of the two opposing western factions. Maybe.

      • @TrickDacy
        4 months ago

        Somehow vague and semi specific at the same time. Just dressed up crybaby bullshit for “I can’t insult minorities with impunity anymore!”

      • @tortina_original
        84 months ago

        Holy fuck, haha.

        You are literally defining conservatives everywhere. Do you not fucking get it?