• LustyArgonian
    5 months ago

    I declined his arrest because he was very poor and I thought the prison system would ruin his life. I felt bad for him. Because the patriarchy demands empathy for men at all times, I guess.

    Eta: you are profoundly empathetically deficient if you downvote someone’s abuse story like this. He didn’t deserve my empathy but I gave it to him out of kindness. And you all can’t even extend it to me to just not downvote? This is why women hate men. You all GET THE MAJORITY OF THE BENEFIT and you STILL treat women like trash and act like the victim! Lol! And then you all vote for fucking Trump while playing the victim and gaslighting women that women have the benefit in court when you shitheads are the ones stacking it. I fucking hate men. The only reason I’d get pregnant by a man is so I would have something of yours to kill in an abortion.