Technically, they could have. But it wouldn’t have really been Nirvana without Cobain. It was pretty much Cobain’s cult of personality. If they had tried to continue without him, it would have been another one of those bands that starkly contrasts between before and after and the comment above would have been about never knowing Nirvana in its heyday.
Even if the continuation was good (and Dave Grohl is proof that there was enough talent for it in the rest of the band), it would have still been tainted by the lack of Cobain.
The last person to die who was born in the 90’s isn’t a 90’s kid, or at least won’t remember the 90’s.
IDK, it’s not impossible that someone who was born in the 80s will live go be freakishly old and outlive all the 90s kids.
not probable, but who knows, maybe they somehow avoided eating plastic based baby food or some shit.
As if someone born on December 31st 1999 wouldn’t self identify as a 90’s kid
Source: I was born in 1998 and I’m nostalgic of Nirvana, a group that disbanded before I was born
If you read your history books you’ll find it was a little more than just disbanded.
First time I heard what happened, it really blew my mind.
Yeah, it really left a hole in the music world.
I mean, they could have replaced Cobain and continued. But they decided to disband instead.
Technically, they could have. But it wouldn’t have really been Nirvana without Cobain. It was pretty much Cobain’s cult of personality. If they had tried to continue without him, it would have been another one of those bands that starkly contrasts between before and after and the comment above would have been about never knowing Nirvana in its heyday.
Even if the continuation was good (and Dave Grohl is proof that there was enough talent for it in the rest of the band), it would have still been tainted by the lack of Cobain.
There’s like a 30-year span of 90s kids.
The meme specifies that he was born in the 1900s and grew up in the 1990s.
I was born in 1990 and remember lots of stuff.
I remember Berlin, Challenger, and that dumb fuck Regan.
I don’t remember anything “90s kids” had because we were poor and all I had access to was PBS and some hand-me-down toys.
I didn’t even know what Nickelodeon was.