• @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    by jan we will be so consumed by the flavour of the month culture war (trans muslim librarians are coming for your pizza gate!) that they wont even notice its happening.

    by the time they need it they’ll forget who even took it away.

    by the time they vote they’ll just think trump saved them from leftist death panels or some shit.

    edit: oh shit, the q-anon nuts are going to sprout again arn’t they… le sigh

    • @[email protected]
      162 months ago

      trans muslim librarians are coming for your pizza

      So what type of pizza do they like? Gotta get ready for January!

      • @AA5B
        2 months ago

        I’m sure its that woke New York pie they’ll be coming for. True Americans support Chicago deep dish with all that extra saturated fat and sodium

    • @frunch
      22 months ago

      oh shit, the q-anon nuts are going to sprout again arn’t they… le sigh

      I’m over giving a fuck about them at this point. It’s tired, old hat, doesn’t really even bother me anymore. I know they’re saying shit to enrage people but when you see enough of it, it eventually just stops registering. I’m sure they’ll still find takers for their stupid games but i also suspect others are also moving on from giving a fuck too. How long can you really play games like that before you finally see them for what they are? Bunch of miserable twats trying to drag everyone else down to their level. I take comfort knowing i live a happier life than them, that all they have is hate. It’s actually kind of sad, really