• @Lost_My_Mind
    1654 months ago

    This is our government. This is our government because people voted for these people over other people. People chose this over other options.

    Which is why I freely tell people I’m surrounded by morons. Morons everywhere in this country. All around.

    So people reply to that with “have you ever considered that YOU’RE the common denominator? All of society can’t be all wrong!”.

    When they say that I just say “Thanks for self identifying as part of the moron herd.”

    Because yes, if one person is wrong, and everybody plays follow the leader, then EVERYBODY is wrong together.

    Right now, roughly 52% of the country is wrong together, but I’d say closer to 90% of the country are just in general morons.

    • Nougat
      734 months ago

      You’re in a room with no windows and ten clocks.

      Three of the clocks say 5:30 AM. Three of the clocks say 12:15 PM. Three of the clocks say 9:43 PM. One clock says 31:92 OM.

      What time is it?

      I don’t know, but it’s not fucking 31:92 OM.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        174 months ago

        I needed to scroll 1 line to see the punchlinene. In the time after I saw 31:91OM, but before I saw the punchline, is it bad that my first instinct was to hold my phone upside down to see if I could solve the riddle by seeing something hidden in plain sight?

            • Nougat
              24 months ago

              How come I knew what that link was before I moused over it?

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            pulls out whiteboard

            And WO stands for “We Overthrow”.

            The Z here is the last letter in the alphabet, or the end , which is in reference to the end of the liberal democrats when we rise up on Jan 6 and overthrow them.

            circles 6 aggressively

            And IE means Internet Explorer, obviously, which is what we force our enemies to use every day from now on. Truly a fate worse than hell.

    • sp3ctr4l
      4 months ago

      Just saw a recent post about a study into American literacy rates.

      54% of American adults have a reading comprehension level of a 5th grader or worse.

      Last time I made a post stating that I was surrounded by idiot morons, it got massively downvoted with a whole bunch of people claiming I was acting like a pretentious asshole.

      Naw. I’ve got two college degrees. Worked for huge corpos in the past as a software engineer, data analyst, db admin.

      Average American adult is functionally illiterate.

      Many of us are objectively surrounded by morons.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        114 months ago

        That’s both depressing, and correct.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        94 months ago

        Having a kid in first grade I’m reminded of how awful our language is. Spelling and pronunciation is seemingly random, articles everywhere, nobody knows how to use semicolons outside of programming, few know how to properly quote things, but least our words don’t have genders.

        • @[email protected]
          44 months ago

          My kids are in a Chinese dual immersion program. I will never complain about English’s foibles ever again. Holy shit is that a terribly inefficient language. Thousands of years of civilization and they’re still doing pictograms. I can’t even imagine writing a program in Chinese. I’m not sure it would be possible.

          • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
            24 months ago

            5th grade reading level, gotta leave the term Foibles behind if you want people to hear you, apparently

    • @Zachariah
      164 months ago

      Not to diminish how fucked things are, but it’s 52% of the voters, not the country.

      • guldukat
        314 months ago

        Abstainers are idiots too. Democrats stayed home, making them republican in my eyes.

        • Ioughttamow
          104 months ago

          I guess to be fair to some of those voters, they were disenfranchised deliberately. But those able that couldn’t be arsed, yeah fuck em

          • @Eldritch
            84 months ago

            Yep, I’m sure at least a few were demotivated by claims of “they’re the same!” Or the hyperbolic brow beating of those chanting “genocide Joe/Harris” or "blue maga ". What we needed is solidarity. But the left is only good at dividing itself.

        • @Zachariah
          14 months ago

          Many are idiots, yes, but too many are just overworked and trying to survive.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Exactly. It’s more like rough 30% of eligible voters. Fact is that roughly 47% didn’t vote.