The Sake Viva! campaign, which is being run by the National Tax Agency (NTA), asks 20- to 39-year-olds to come up with proposals to help revitalise the popularity of alcoholic drinks, which have fallen out of favour because of lifestyle changes during the coronavirus pandemic and among young people.

Taxes on alcohol accounted for 1.7% of Japan’s tax revenue in 2020, down from 3% in 2011 and 5% in 1980.

There was a particularly steep decline in beer consumption, with sales volume down 20% to less than 1.8bn litres.

  • @sheogorath
    124 months ago

    Hmm it seems it doesn’t work with how time works in our universe.

    Are you a interdimensional traveler who came from a universe where time flows backwards compared to this universe?

    • @ByteJunk
      44 months ago

      Godammit I’m blind, i read that article as being from 2023 Hi I’m the doctor, how are you sheogorath pleasure to meet you.